Source code for

Calculate the solar position using the NREL SPA algorithm either using
numpy arrays or compiling the code to machine language with numba.

# Contributors:
# Created by Tony Lorenzo (@alorenzo175), Univ. of Arizona, 2015

from __future__ import division
import os
import threading
import warnings

import numpy as np

# this block is a way to use an environment variable to switch between
# compiling the functions with numba or just use numpy
def nocompile(*args, **kwargs):
    return lambda func: func

if os.getenv('PVLIB_USE_NUMBA', '0') != '0':
        from numba import jit, __version__
    except ImportError:
        warnings.warn('Could not import numba, falling back to numpy ' +
        jcompile = nocompile
        USE_NUMBA = False
        major, minor = __version__.split('.')[:2]
        if int(major + minor) >= 17:
            # need at least numba >= 0.17.0
            jcompile = jit
            USE_NUMBA = True
            warnings.warn('Numba version must be >= 0.17.0, falling back to ' +
            jcompile = nocompile
            USE_NUMBA = False
    jcompile = nocompile
    USE_NUMBA = False

    'L0': np.array(
        [[175347046.0, 0.0, 0.0],
         [3341656.0, 4.6692568, 6283.07585],
         [34894.0, 4.6261, 12566.1517],
         [3497.0, 2.7441, 5753.3849],
         [3418.0, 2.8289, 3.5231],
         [3136.0, 3.6277, 77713.7715],
         [2676.0, 4.4181, 7860.4194],
         [2343.0, 6.1352, 3930.2097],
         [1324.0, 0.7425, 11506.7698],
         [1273.0, 2.0371, 529.691],
         [1199.0, 1.1096, 1577.3435],
         [990.0, 5.233, 5884.927],
         [902.0, 2.045, 26.298],
         [857.0, 3.508, 398.149],
         [780.0, 1.179, 5223.694],
         [753.0, 2.533, 5507.553],
         [505.0, 4.583, 18849.228],
         [492.0, 4.205, 775.523],
         [357.0, 2.92, 0.067],
         [317.0, 5.849, 11790.629],
         [284.0, 1.899, 796.298],
         [271.0, 0.315, 10977.079],
         [243.0, 0.345, 5486.778],
         [206.0, 4.806, 2544.314],
         [205.0, 1.869, 5573.143],
         [202.0, 2.458, 6069.777],
         [156.0, 0.833, 213.299],
         [132.0, 3.411, 2942.463],
         [126.0, 1.083, 20.775],
         [115.0, 0.645, 0.98],
         [103.0, 0.636, 4694.003],
         [102.0, 0.976, 15720.839],
         [102.0, 4.267, 7.114],
         [99.0, 6.21, 2146.17],
         [98.0, 0.68, 155.42],
         [86.0, 5.98, 161000.69],
         [85.0, 1.3, 6275.96],
         [85.0, 3.67, 71430.7],
         [80.0, 1.81, 17260.15],
         [79.0, 3.04, 12036.46],
         [75.0, 1.76, 5088.63],
         [74.0, 3.5, 3154.69],
         [74.0, 4.68, 801.82],
         [70.0, 0.83, 9437.76],
         [62.0, 3.98, 8827.39],
         [61.0, 1.82, 7084.9],
         [57.0, 2.78, 6286.6],
         [56.0, 4.39, 14143.5],
         [56.0, 3.47, 6279.55],
         [52.0, 0.19, 12139.55],
         [52.0, 1.33, 1748.02],
         [51.0, 0.28, 5856.48],
         [49.0, 0.49, 1194.45],
         [41.0, 5.37, 8429.24],
         [41.0, 2.4, 19651.05],
         [39.0, 6.17, 10447.39],
         [37.0, 6.04, 10213.29],
         [37.0, 2.57, 1059.38],
         [36.0, 1.71, 2352.87],
         [36.0, 1.78, 6812.77],
         [33.0, 0.59, 17789.85],
         [30.0, 0.44, 83996.85],
         [30.0, 2.74, 1349.87],
         [25.0, 3.16, 4690.48]]),
    'L1': np.array(
        [[628331966747.0, 0.0, 0.0],
         [206059.0, 2.678235, 6283.07585],
         [4303.0, 2.6351, 12566.1517],
         [425.0, 1.59, 3.523],
         [119.0, 5.796, 26.298],
         [109.0, 2.966, 1577.344],
         [93.0, 2.59, 18849.23],
         [72.0, 1.14, 529.69],
         [68.0, 1.87, 398.15],
         [67.0, 4.41, 5507.55],
         [59.0, 2.89, 5223.69],
         [56.0, 2.17, 155.42],
         [45.0, 0.4, 796.3],
         [36.0, 0.47, 775.52],
         [29.0, 2.65, 7.11],
         [21.0, 5.34, 0.98],
         [19.0, 1.85, 5486.78],
         [19.0, 4.97, 213.3],
         [17.0, 2.99, 6275.96],
         [16.0, 0.03, 2544.31],
         [16.0, 1.43, 2146.17],
         [15.0, 1.21, 10977.08],
         [12.0, 2.83, 1748.02],
         [12.0, 3.26, 5088.63],
         [12.0, 5.27, 1194.45],
         [12.0, 2.08, 4694.0],
         [11.0, 0.77, 553.57],
         [10.0, 1.3, 6286.6],
         [10.0, 4.24, 1349.87],
         [9.0, 2.7, 242.73],
         [9.0, 5.64, 951.72],
         [8.0, 5.3, 2352.87],
         [6.0, 2.65, 9437.76],
         [6.0, 4.67, 4690.48]]),
    'L2': np.array(
        [[52919.0, 0.0, 0.0],
         [8720.0, 1.0721, 6283.0758],
         [309.0, 0.867, 12566.152],
         [27.0, 0.05, 3.52],
         [16.0, 5.19, 26.3],
         [16.0, 3.68, 155.42],
         [10.0, 0.76, 18849.23],
         [9.0, 2.06, 77713.77],
         [7.0, 0.83, 775.52],
         [5.0, 4.66, 1577.34],
         [4.0, 1.03, 7.11],
         [4.0, 3.44, 5573.14],
         [3.0, 5.14, 796.3],
         [3.0, 6.05, 5507.55],
         [3.0, 1.19, 242.73],
         [3.0, 6.12, 529.69],
         [3.0, 0.31, 398.15],
         [3.0, 2.28, 553.57],
         [2.0, 4.38, 5223.69],
         [2.0, 3.75, 0.98]]),
    'L3': np.array(
        [[289.0, 5.844, 6283.076],
         [35.0, 0.0, 0.0],
         [17.0, 5.49, 12566.15],
         [3.0, 5.2, 155.42],
         [1.0, 4.72, 3.52],
         [1.0, 5.3, 18849.23],
         [1.0, 5.97, 242.73]]),
    'L4': np.array(
        [[114.0, 3.142, 0.0],
         [8.0, 4.13, 6283.08],
         [1.0, 3.84, 12566.15]]),
    'L5': np.array(
        [[1.0, 3.14, 0.0]]),
    'B0': np.array(
        [[280.0, 3.199, 84334.662],
         [102.0, 5.422, 5507.553],
         [80.0, 3.88, 5223.69],
         [44.0, 3.7, 2352.87],
         [32.0, 4.0, 1577.34]]),
    'B1': np.array(
        [[9.0, 3.9, 5507.55],
         [6.0, 1.73, 5223.69]]),
    'R0': np.array(
        [[100013989.0, 0.0, 0.0],
         [1670700.0, 3.0984635, 6283.07585],
         [13956.0, 3.05525, 12566.1517],
         [3084.0, 5.1985, 77713.7715],
         [1628.0, 1.1739, 5753.3849],
         [1576.0, 2.8469, 7860.4194],
         [925.0, 5.453, 11506.77],
         [542.0, 4.564, 3930.21],
         [472.0, 3.661, 5884.927],
         [346.0, 0.964, 5507.553],
         [329.0, 5.9, 5223.694],
         [307.0, 0.299, 5573.143],
         [243.0, 4.273, 11790.629],
         [212.0, 5.847, 1577.344],
         [186.0, 5.022, 10977.079],
         [175.0, 3.012, 18849.228],
         [110.0, 5.055, 5486.778],
         [98.0, 0.89, 6069.78],
         [86.0, 5.69, 15720.84],
         [86.0, 1.27, 161000.69],
         [65.0, 0.27, 17260.15],
         [63.0, 0.92, 529.69],
         [57.0, 2.01, 83996.85],
         [56.0, 5.24, 71430.7],
         [49.0, 3.25, 2544.31],
         [47.0, 2.58, 775.52],
         [45.0, 5.54, 9437.76],
         [43.0, 6.01, 6275.96],
         [39.0, 5.36, 4694.0],
         [38.0, 2.39, 8827.39],
         [37.0, 0.83, 19651.05],
         [37.0, 4.9, 12139.55],
         [36.0, 1.67, 12036.46],
         [35.0, 1.84, 2942.46],
         [33.0, 0.24, 7084.9],
         [32.0, 0.18, 5088.63],
         [32.0, 1.78, 398.15],
         [28.0, 1.21, 6286.6],
         [28.0, 1.9, 6279.55],
         [26.0, 4.59, 10447.39]]),
    'R1': np.array(
        [[103019.0, 1.10749, 6283.07585],
         [1721.0, 1.0644, 12566.1517],
         [702.0, 3.142, 0.0],
         [32.0, 1.02, 18849.23],
         [31.0, 2.84, 5507.55],
         [25.0, 1.32, 5223.69],
         [18.0, 1.42, 1577.34],
         [10.0, 5.91, 10977.08],
         [9.0, 1.42, 6275.96],
         [9.0, 0.27, 5486.78]]),
    'R2': np.array(
        [[4359.0, 5.7846, 6283.0758],
         [124.0, 5.579, 12566.152],
         [12.0, 3.14, 0.0],
         [9.0, 3.63, 77713.77],
         [6.0, 1.87, 5573.14],
         [3.0, 5.47, 18849.23]]),
    'R3': np.array(
        [[145.0, 4.273, 6283.076],
         [7.0, 3.92, 12566.15]]),
    'R4': np.array(
        [[4.0, 2.56, 6283.08]])

TABLE_1_DICT['L1'].resize((64, 3))
TABLE_1_DICT['L2'].resize((64, 3))
TABLE_1_DICT['L3'].resize((64, 3))
TABLE_1_DICT['L4'].resize((64, 3))
TABLE_1_DICT['L5'].resize((64, 3))

TABLE_1_DICT['B1'].resize((5, 3))

TABLE_1_DICT['R1'].resize((40, 3))
TABLE_1_DICT['R2'].resize((40, 3))
TABLE_1_DICT['R3'].resize((40, 3))
TABLE_1_DICT['R4'].resize((40, 3))

HELIO_LONG_TABLE = np.array([TABLE_1_DICT['L0'],

HELIO_LAT_TABLE = np.array([TABLE_1_DICT['B0'],


    [-171996, -174.2, 92025, 8.9],
    [-13187, -1.6, 5736, -3.1],
    [-2274, -0.2, 977, -0.5],
    [2062, 0.2, -895, 0.5],
    [1426, -3.4, 54, -0.1],
    [712, 0.1, -7, 0],
    [-517, 1.2, 224, -0.6],
    [-386, -0.4, 200, 0],
    [-301, 0, 129, -0.1],
    [217, -0.5, -95, 0.3],
    [-158, 0, 0, 0],
    [129, 0.1, -70, 0],
    [123, 0, -53, 0],
    [63, 0, 0, 0],
    [63, 0.1, -33, 0],
    [-59, 0, 26, 0],
    [-58, -0.1, 32, 0],
    [-51, 0, 27, 0],
    [48, 0, 0, 0],
    [46, 0, -24, 0],
    [-38, 0, 16, 0],
    [-31, 0, 13, 0],
    [29, 0, 0, 0],
    [29, 0, -12, 0],
    [26, 0, 0, 0],
    [-22, 0, 0, 0],
    [21, 0, -10, 0],
    [17, -0.1, 0, 0],
    [16, 0, -8, 0],
    [-16, 0.1, 7, 0],
    [-15, 0, 9, 0],
    [-13, 0, 7, 0],
    [-12, 0, 6, 0],
    [11, 0, 0, 0],
    [-10, 0, 5, 0],
    [-8, 0, 3, 0],
    [7, 0, -3, 0],
    [-7, 0, 0, 0],
    [-7, 0, 3, 0],
    [-7, 0, 3, 0],
    [6, 0, 0, 0],
    [6, 0, -3, 0],
    [6, 0, -3, 0],
    [-6, 0, 3, 0],
    [-6, 0, 3, 0],
    [5, 0, 0, 0],
    [-5, 0, 3, 0],
    [-5, 0, 3, 0],
    [-5, 0, 3, 0],
    [4, 0, 0, 0],
    [4, 0, 0, 0],
    [4, 0, 0, 0],
    [-4, 0, 0, 0],
    [-4, 0, 0, 0],
    [-4, 0, 0, 0],
    [3, 0, 0, 0],
    [-3, 0, 0, 0],
    [-3, 0, 0, 0],
    [-3, 0, 0, 0],
    [-3, 0, 0, 0],
    [-3, 0, 0, 0],
    [-3, 0, 0, 0],
    [-3, 0, 0, 0],

    [0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
    [-2, 0, 0, 2, 2],
    [0, 0, 0, 2, 2],
    [0, 0, 0, 0, 2],
    [0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
    [0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
    [-2, 1, 0, 2, 2],
    [0, 0, 0, 2, 1],
    [0, 0, 1, 2, 2],
    [-2, -1, 0, 2, 2],
    [-2, 0, 1, 0, 0],
    [-2, 0, 0, 2, 1],
    [0, 0, -1, 2, 2],
    [2, 0, 0, 0, 0],
    [0, 0, 1, 0, 1],
    [2, 0, -1, 2, 2],
    [0, 0, -1, 0, 1],
    [0, 0, 1, 2, 1],
    [-2, 0, 2, 0, 0],
    [0, 0, -2, 2, 1],
    [2, 0, 0, 2, 2],
    [0, 0, 2, 2, 2],
    [0, 0, 2, 0, 0],
    [-2, 0, 1, 2, 2],
    [0, 0, 0, 2, 0],
    [-2, 0, 0, 2, 0],
    [0, 0, -1, 2, 1],
    [0, 2, 0, 0, 0],
    [2, 0, -1, 0, 1],
    [-2, 2, 0, 2, 2],
    [0, 1, 0, 0, 1],
    [-2, 0, 1, 0, 1],
    [0, -1, 0, 0, 1],
    [0, 0, 2, -2, 0],
    [2, 0, -1, 2, 1],
    [2, 0, 1, 2, 2],
    [0, 1, 0, 2, 2],
    [-2, 1, 1, 0, 0],
    [0, -1, 0, 2, 2],
    [2, 0, 0, 2, 1],
    [2, 0, 1, 0, 0],
    [-2, 0, 2, 2, 2],
    [-2, 0, 1, 2, 1],
    [2, 0, -2, 0, 1],
    [2, 0, 0, 0, 1],
    [0, -1, 1, 0, 0],
    [-2, -1, 0, 2, 1],
    [-2, 0, 0, 0, 1],
    [0, 0, 2, 2, 1],
    [-2, 0, 2, 0, 1],
    [-2, 1, 0, 2, 1],
    [0, 0, 1, -2, 0],
    [-1, 0, 1, 0, 0],
    [-2, 1, 0, 0, 0],
    [1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
    [0, 0, 1, 2, 0],
    [0, 0, -2, 2, 2],
    [-1, -1, 1, 0, 0],
    [0, 1, 1, 0, 0],
    [0, -1, 1, 2, 2],
    [2, -1, -1, 2, 2],
    [0, 0, 3, 2, 2],
    [2, -1, 0, 2, 2],

@jcompile('float64(int64, int64, int64, int64, int64, int64, int64)',
def julian_day_dt(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, microsecond):
    """This is the original way to calculate the julian day from the NREL paper.
    However, it is much faster to convert to unix/epoch time and then convert
    to julian day. Note that the date must be UTC."""
    if month <= 2:
        year = year-1
        month = month+12
    a = int(year/100)
    b = 2 - a + int(a * 0.25)
    frac_of_day = (microsecond + (second + minute * 60 + hour * 3600)
                   ) * 1.0 / (3600*24)
    d = day + frac_of_day
    jd = (int(365.25 * (year + 4716)) + int(30.6001 * (month + 1)) + d +
          b - 1524.5)
    return jd

@jcompile('float64(float64)', nopython=True)
def julian_day(unixtime):
    jd = unixtime * 1.0 / 86400 + 2440587.5
    return jd

@jcompile('float64(float64, float64)', nopython=True)
def julian_ephemeris_day(julian_day, delta_t):
    jde = julian_day + delta_t * 1.0 / 86400
    return jde

@jcompile('float64(float64)', nopython=True)
def julian_century(julian_day):
    jc = (julian_day - 2451545) * 1.0 / 36525
    return jc

@jcompile('float64(float64)', nopython=True)
def julian_ephemeris_century(julian_ephemeris_day):
    jce = (julian_ephemeris_day - 2451545) * 1.0 / 36525
    return jce

@jcompile('float64(float64)', nopython=True)
def julian_ephemeris_millennium(julian_ephemeris_century):
    jme = julian_ephemeris_century * 1.0 / 10
    return jme

@jcompile('float64(float64)', nopython=True)
def heliocentric_longitude(jme):
    l0 = 0.0
    l1 = 0.0
    l2 = 0.0
    l3 = 0.0
    l4 = 0.0
    l5 = 0.0

    for row in range(HELIO_LONG_TABLE.shape[1]):
        l0 += (HELIO_LONG_TABLE[0, row, 0]
               * np.cos(HELIO_LONG_TABLE[0, row, 1]
                        + HELIO_LONG_TABLE[0, row, 2] * jme)
        l1 += (HELIO_LONG_TABLE[1, row, 0]
               * np.cos(HELIO_LONG_TABLE[1, row, 1]
                        + HELIO_LONG_TABLE[1, row, 2] * jme)
        l2 += (HELIO_LONG_TABLE[2, row, 0]
               * np.cos(HELIO_LONG_TABLE[2, row, 1]
                        + HELIO_LONG_TABLE[2, row, 2] * jme)
        l3 += (HELIO_LONG_TABLE[3, row, 0]
               * np.cos(HELIO_LONG_TABLE[3, row, 1]
                        + HELIO_LONG_TABLE[3, row, 2] * jme)
        l4 += (HELIO_LONG_TABLE[4, row, 0]
               * np.cos(HELIO_LONG_TABLE[4, row, 1]
                        + HELIO_LONG_TABLE[4, row, 2] * jme)
        l5 += (HELIO_LONG_TABLE[5, row, 0]
               * np.cos(HELIO_LONG_TABLE[5, row, 1]
                        + HELIO_LONG_TABLE[5, row, 2] * jme)

    l_rad = (l0 + l1 * jme + l2 * jme**2 + l3 * jme**3 + l4 * jme**4 +
             l5 * jme**5)/10**8
    l = np.rad2deg(l_rad)
    return l % 360

@jcompile('float64(float64)', nopython=True)
def heliocentric_latitude(jme):
    b0 = 0.0
    b1 = 0.0
    for row in range(HELIO_LAT_TABLE.shape[1]):
        b0 += (HELIO_LAT_TABLE[0, row, 0]
               * np.cos(HELIO_LAT_TABLE[0, row, 1]
                        + HELIO_LAT_TABLE[0, row, 2] * jme)
        b1 += (HELIO_LAT_TABLE[1, row, 0]
               * np.cos(HELIO_LAT_TABLE[1, row, 1]
                        + HELIO_LAT_TABLE[1, row, 2] * jme)

    b_rad = (b0 + b1 * jme)/10**8
    b = np.rad2deg(b_rad)
    return b

@jcompile('float64(float64)', nopython=True)
def heliocentric_radius_vector(jme):
    r0 = 0.0
    r1 = 0.0
    r2 = 0.0
    r3 = 0.0
    r4 = 0.0
    for row in range(HELIO_RADIUS_TABLE.shape[1]):
        r0 += (HELIO_RADIUS_TABLE[0, row, 0]
               * np.cos(HELIO_RADIUS_TABLE[0, row, 1]
                        + HELIO_RADIUS_TABLE[0, row, 2] * jme)
        r1 += (HELIO_RADIUS_TABLE[1, row, 0]
               * np.cos(HELIO_RADIUS_TABLE[1, row, 1]
                        + HELIO_RADIUS_TABLE[1, row, 2] * jme)
        r2 += (HELIO_RADIUS_TABLE[2, row, 0]
               * np.cos(HELIO_RADIUS_TABLE[2, row, 1]
                        + HELIO_RADIUS_TABLE[2, row, 2] * jme)
        r3 += (HELIO_RADIUS_TABLE[3, row, 0]
               * np.cos(HELIO_RADIUS_TABLE[3, row, 1]
                        + HELIO_RADIUS_TABLE[3, row, 2] * jme)
        r4 += (HELIO_RADIUS_TABLE[4, row, 0]
               * np.cos(HELIO_RADIUS_TABLE[4, row, 1]
                        + HELIO_RADIUS_TABLE[4, row, 2] * jme)

    r = (r0 + r1 * jme + r2 * jme**2 + r3 * jme**3 + r4 * jme**4)/10**8
    return r

@jcompile('float64(float64)', nopython=True)
def geocentric_longitude(heliocentric_longitude):
    theta = heliocentric_longitude + 180.0
    return theta % 360

@jcompile('float64(float64)', nopython=True)
def geocentric_latitude(heliocentric_latitude):
    beta = -1.0*heliocentric_latitude
    return beta

@jcompile('float64(float64)', nopython=True)
def mean_elongation(julian_ephemeris_century):
    x0 = (297.85036
          + 445267.111480 * julian_ephemeris_century
          - 0.0019142 * julian_ephemeris_century**2
          + julian_ephemeris_century**3 / 189474)
    return x0

@jcompile('float64(float64)', nopython=True)
def mean_anomaly_sun(julian_ephemeris_century):
    x1 = (357.52772
          + 35999.050340 * julian_ephemeris_century
          - 0.0001603 * julian_ephemeris_century**2
          - julian_ephemeris_century**3 / 300000)
    return x1

@jcompile('float64(float64)', nopython=True)
def mean_anomaly_moon(julian_ephemeris_century):
    x2 = (134.96298
          + 477198.867398 * julian_ephemeris_century
          + 0.0086972 * julian_ephemeris_century**2
          + julian_ephemeris_century**3 / 56250)
    return x2

@jcompile('float64(float64)', nopython=True)
def moon_argument_latitude(julian_ephemeris_century):
    x3 = (93.27191
          + 483202.017538 * julian_ephemeris_century
          - 0.0036825 * julian_ephemeris_century**2
          + julian_ephemeris_century**3 / 327270)
    return x3

@jcompile('float64(float64)', nopython=True)
def moon_ascending_longitude(julian_ephemeris_century):
    x4 = (125.04452
          - 1934.136261 * julian_ephemeris_century
          + 0.0020708 * julian_ephemeris_century**2
          + julian_ephemeris_century**3 / 450000)
    return x4

@jcompile('float64(float64, float64, float64, float64, float64, float64)',
def longitude_nutation(julian_ephemeris_century, x0, x1, x2, x3, x4):
    delta_psi_sum = 0
    for row in range(NUTATION_YTERM_ARRAY.shape[0]):
        a = NUTATION_ABCD_ARRAY[row, 0]
        b = NUTATION_ABCD_ARRAY[row, 1]
        argsin = (NUTATION_YTERM_ARRAY[row, 0]*x0 +
                  NUTATION_YTERM_ARRAY[row, 1]*x1 +
                  NUTATION_YTERM_ARRAY[row, 2]*x2 +
                  NUTATION_YTERM_ARRAY[row, 3]*x3 +
                  NUTATION_YTERM_ARRAY[row, 4]*x4)
        term = (a + b * julian_ephemeris_century) * np.sin(np.radians(argsin))
        delta_psi_sum += term
    delta_psi = delta_psi_sum*1.0/36000000
    return delta_psi

@jcompile('float64(float64, float64, float64, float64, float64, float64)',
def obliquity_nutation(julian_ephemeris_century, x0, x1, x2, x3, x4):
    delta_eps_sum = 0.0
    for row in range(NUTATION_YTERM_ARRAY.shape[0]):
        c = NUTATION_ABCD_ARRAY[row, 2]
        d = NUTATION_ABCD_ARRAY[row, 3]
        argcos = (NUTATION_YTERM_ARRAY[row, 0]*x0 +
                  NUTATION_YTERM_ARRAY[row, 1]*x1 +
                  NUTATION_YTERM_ARRAY[row, 2]*x2 +
                  NUTATION_YTERM_ARRAY[row, 3]*x3 +
                  NUTATION_YTERM_ARRAY[row, 4]*x4)
        term = (c + d * julian_ephemeris_century) * np.cos(np.radians(argcos))
        delta_eps_sum += term
    delta_eps = delta_eps_sum*1.0/36000000
    return delta_eps

@jcompile('float64(float64)', nopython=True)
def mean_ecliptic_obliquity(julian_ephemeris_millennium):
    U = 1.0*julian_ephemeris_millennium/10
    e0 = (84381.448 - 4680.93 * U - 1.55 * U**2
          + 1999.25 * U**3 - 51.38 * U**4 - 249.67 * U**5
          - 39.05 * U**6 + 7.12 * U**7 + 27.87 * U**8
          + 5.79 * U**9 + 2.45 * U**10)
    return e0

@jcompile('float64(float64, float64)', nopython=True)
def true_ecliptic_obliquity(mean_ecliptic_obliquity, obliquity_nutation):
    e0 = mean_ecliptic_obliquity
    deleps = obliquity_nutation
    e = e0*1.0/3600 + deleps
    return e

@jcompile('float64(float64)', nopython=True)
def aberration_correction(earth_radius_vector):
    deltau = -20.4898 / (3600 * earth_radius_vector)
    return deltau

@jcompile('float64(float64, float64, float64)', nopython=True)
def apparent_sun_longitude(geocentric_longitude, longitude_nutation,
    lamd = geocentric_longitude + longitude_nutation + aberration_correction
    return lamd

@jcompile('float64(float64, float64)', nopython=True)
def mean_sidereal_time(julian_day, julian_century):
    v0 = (280.46061837 + 360.98564736629 * (julian_day - 2451545)
          + 0.000387933 * julian_century**2 - julian_century**3 / 38710000)
    return v0 % 360.0

@jcompile('float64(float64, float64, float64)', nopython=True)
def apparent_sidereal_time(mean_sidereal_time, longitude_nutation,
    v = mean_sidereal_time + longitude_nutation * np.cos(
    return v

@jcompile('float64(float64, float64, float64)', nopython=True)
def geocentric_sun_right_ascension(apparent_sun_longitude,
    num = (np.sin(np.radians(apparent_sun_longitude))
           * np.cos(np.radians(true_ecliptic_obliquity))
           - np.tan(np.radians(geocentric_latitude))
           * np.sin(np.radians(true_ecliptic_obliquity)))
    alpha = np.degrees(np.arctan2(num, np.cos(
    return alpha % 360

@jcompile('float64(float64, float64, float64)', nopython=True)
def geocentric_sun_declination(apparent_sun_longitude, true_ecliptic_obliquity,
    delta = np.degrees(np.arcsin(np.sin(np.radians(geocentric_latitude)) *
                                 np.cos(np.radians(true_ecliptic_obliquity)) +
                                 np.cos(np.radians(geocentric_latitude)) *
                                 np.sin(np.radians(true_ecliptic_obliquity)) *
    return delta

@jcompile('float64(float64, float64, float64)', nopython=True)
def local_hour_angle(apparent_sidereal_time, observer_longitude,
    """Measured westward from south"""
    H = apparent_sidereal_time + observer_longitude - sun_right_ascension
    return H % 360

@jcompile('float64(float64)', nopython=True)
def equatorial_horizontal_parallax(earth_radius_vector):
    xi = 8.794 / (3600 * earth_radius_vector)
    return xi

@jcompile('float64(float64)', nopython=True)
def uterm(observer_latitude):
    u = np.arctan(0.99664719 * np.tan(np.radians(observer_latitude)))
    return u

@jcompile('float64(float64, float64, float64)', nopython=True)
def xterm(u, observer_latitude, observer_elevation):
    x = (np.cos(u) + observer_elevation / 6378140
         * np.cos(np.radians(observer_latitude)))
    return x

@jcompile('float64(float64, float64, float64)', nopython=True)
def yterm(u, observer_latitude, observer_elevation):
    y = (0.99664719 * np.sin(u) + observer_elevation / 6378140
         * np.sin(np.radians(observer_latitude)))
    return y

@jcompile('float64(float64, float64,float64, float64)', nopython=True)
def parallax_sun_right_ascension(xterm, equatorial_horizontal_parallax,
                                 local_hour_angle, geocentric_sun_declination):
    num = (-xterm * np.sin(np.radians(equatorial_horizontal_parallax))
           * np.sin(np.radians(local_hour_angle)))
    denom = (np.cos(np.radians(geocentric_sun_declination))
             - xterm * np.sin(np.radians(equatorial_horizontal_parallax))
             * np.cos(np.radians(local_hour_angle)))
    delta_alpha = np.degrees(np.arctan2(num, denom))
    return delta_alpha

@jcompile('float64(float64, float64)', nopython=True)
def topocentric_sun_right_ascension(geocentric_sun_right_ascension,
    alpha_prime = geocentric_sun_right_ascension + parallax_sun_right_ascension
    return alpha_prime

@jcompile('float64(float64, float64, float64, float64, float64, float64)',
def topocentric_sun_declination(geocentric_sun_declination, xterm, yterm,
    num = ((np.sin(np.radians(geocentric_sun_declination)) - yterm
            * np.sin(np.radians(equatorial_horizontal_parallax)))
           * np.cos(np.radians(parallax_sun_right_ascension)))
    denom = (np.cos(np.radians(geocentric_sun_declination)) - xterm
             * np.sin(np.radians(equatorial_horizontal_parallax))
             * np.cos(np.radians(local_hour_angle)))
    delta = np.degrees(np.arctan2(num, denom))
    return delta

@jcompile('float64(float64, float64)', nopython=True)
def topocentric_local_hour_angle(local_hour_angle,
    H_prime = local_hour_angle - parallax_sun_right_ascension
    return H_prime

@jcompile('float64(float64, float64, float64)', nopython=True)
def topocentric_elevation_angle_without_atmosphere(observer_latitude,
    e0 = np.degrees(np.arcsin(
        * np.sin(np.radians(topocentric_sun_declination))
        + np.cos(np.radians(observer_latitude))
        * np.cos(np.radians(topocentric_sun_declination))
        * np.cos(np.radians(topocentric_local_hour_angle))))
    return e0

@jcompile('float64(float64, float64, float64, float64)', nopython=True)
def atmospheric_refraction_correction(local_pressure, local_temp,
    # switch sets delta_e when the sun is below the horizon
    switch = topocentric_elevation_angle_wo_atmosphere >= -1.0 * (
        0.26667 + atmos_refract)
    delta_e = ((local_pressure / 1010.0) * (283.0 / (273 + local_temp))
               * 1.02 / (60 * np.tan(np.radians(
                   + 10.3 / (topocentric_elevation_angle_wo_atmosphere
                             + 5.11))))) * switch
    return delta_e

@jcompile('float64(float64, float64)', nopython=True)
def topocentric_elevation_angle(topocentric_elevation_angle_without_atmosphere,
    e = (topocentric_elevation_angle_without_atmosphere
         + atmospheric_refraction_correction)
    return e

@jcompile('float64(float64)', nopython=True)
def topocentric_zenith_angle(topocentric_elevation_angle):
    theta = 90 - topocentric_elevation_angle
    return theta

@jcompile('float64(float64, float64, float64)', nopython=True)
def topocentric_astronomers_azimuth(topocentric_local_hour_angle,
    num = np.sin(np.radians(topocentric_local_hour_angle))
    denom = (np.cos(np.radians(topocentric_local_hour_angle))
             * np.sin(np.radians(observer_latitude))
             - np.tan(np.radians(topocentric_sun_declination))
             * np.cos(np.radians(observer_latitude)))
    gamma = np.degrees(np.arctan2(num, denom))
    return gamma % 360

@jcompile('float64(float64)', nopython=True)
def topocentric_azimuth_angle(topocentric_astronomers_azimuth):
    phi = topocentric_astronomers_azimuth + 180
    return phi % 360

@jcompile('float64(float64)', nopython=True)
def sun_mean_longitude(julian_ephemeris_millennium):
    M = (280.4664567 + 360007.6982779 * julian_ephemeris_millennium
         + 0.03032028 * julian_ephemeris_millennium**2
         + julian_ephemeris_millennium**3 / 49931
         - julian_ephemeris_millennium**4 / 15300
         - julian_ephemeris_millennium**5 / 2000000)
    return M

@jcompile('float64(float64, float64, float64, float64)', nopython=True)
def equation_of_time(sun_mean_longitude, geocentric_sun_right_ascension,
                     longitude_nutation, true_ecliptic_obliquity):
    E = (sun_mean_longitude - 0.0057183 - geocentric_sun_right_ascension +
         longitude_nutation * np.cos(np.radians(true_ecliptic_obliquity)))
    # limit between 0 and 360
    E = E % 360
    # convert to minutes
    E *= 4
    greater = E > 20
    less = E < -20
    other = (E <= 20) & (E >= -20)
    E = greater * (E - 1440) + less * (E + 1440) + other * E
    return E

@jcompile('void(float64[:], float64[:], float64[:,:])', nopython=True,
def solar_position_loop(unixtime, loc_args, out):
    """Loop through the time array and calculate the solar position"""
    lat = loc_args[0]
    lon = loc_args[1]
    elev = loc_args[2]
    pressure = loc_args[3]
    temp = loc_args[4]
    delta_t = loc_args[5]
    atmos_refract = loc_args[6]
    sst = loc_args[7]
    esd = loc_args[8]

    for i in range(unixtime.shape[0]):
        utime = unixtime[i]
        jd = julian_day(utime)
        jde = julian_ephemeris_day(jd, delta_t)
        jc = julian_century(jd)
        jce = julian_ephemeris_century(jde)
        jme = julian_ephemeris_millennium(jce)
        R = heliocentric_radius_vector(jme)
        if esd:
            out[0, i] = R
        L = heliocentric_longitude(jme)
        B = heliocentric_latitude(jme)
        Theta = geocentric_longitude(L)
        beta = geocentric_latitude(B)
        x0 = mean_elongation(jce)
        x1 = mean_anomaly_sun(jce)
        x2 = mean_anomaly_moon(jce)
        x3 = moon_argument_latitude(jce)
        x4 = moon_ascending_longitude(jce)
        delta_psi = longitude_nutation(jce, x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
        delta_epsilon = obliquity_nutation(jce, x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
        epsilon0 = mean_ecliptic_obliquity(jme)
        epsilon = true_ecliptic_obliquity(epsilon0, delta_epsilon)
        delta_tau = aberration_correction(R)
        lamd = apparent_sun_longitude(Theta, delta_psi, delta_tau)
        v0 = mean_sidereal_time(jd, jc)
        v = apparent_sidereal_time(v0, delta_psi, epsilon)
        alpha = geocentric_sun_right_ascension(lamd, epsilon, beta)
        delta = geocentric_sun_declination(lamd, epsilon, beta)
        if sst:
            out[0, i] = v
            out[1, i] = alpha
            out[2, i] = delta
        m = sun_mean_longitude(jme)
        eot = equation_of_time(m, alpha, delta_psi, epsilon)
        H = local_hour_angle(v, lon, alpha)
        xi = equatorial_horizontal_parallax(R)
        u = uterm(lat)
        x = xterm(u, lat, elev)
        y = yterm(u, lat, elev)
        delta_alpha = parallax_sun_right_ascension(x, xi, H, delta)
        delta_prime = topocentric_sun_declination(delta, x, y, xi, delta_alpha,
        H_prime = topocentric_local_hour_angle(H, delta_alpha)
        e0 = topocentric_elevation_angle_without_atmosphere(lat, delta_prime,
        delta_e = atmospheric_refraction_correction(pressure, temp, e0,
        e = topocentric_elevation_angle(e0, delta_e)
        theta = topocentric_zenith_angle(e)
        theta0 = topocentric_zenith_angle(e0)
        gamma = topocentric_astronomers_azimuth(H_prime, delta_prime, lat)
        phi = topocentric_azimuth_angle(gamma)
        out[0, i] = theta
        out[1, i] = theta0
        out[2, i] = e
        out[3, i] = e0
        out[4, i] = phi
        out[5, i] = eot

def solar_position_numba(unixtime, lat, lon, elev, pressure, temp, delta_t,
                         atmos_refract, numthreads, sst=False, esd=False):
    """Calculate the solar position using the numba compiled functions
    and multiple threads. Very slow if functions are not numba compiled.
    # these args are the same for each thread
    loc_args = np.array([lat, lon, elev, pressure, temp, delta_t,
                         atmos_refract, sst, esd])

    # construct dims x ulength array to put the results in
    ulength = unixtime.shape[0]
    if sst:
        dims = 3
    elif esd:
        dims = 1
        dims = 6
    result = np.empty((dims, ulength), dtype=np.float64)

    if unixtime.dtype != np.float64:
        unixtime = unixtime.astype(np.float64)

    if ulength < numthreads:
        warnings.warn('The number of threads is more than the length of '
                      'the time array. Only using %s threads.'.format(ulength))
        numthreads = ulength

    if numthreads <= 1:
        solar_position_loop(unixtime, loc_args, result)
        return result

    # split the input and output arrays into numthreads chunks
    split0 = np.array_split(unixtime, numthreads)
    split2 = np.array_split(result, numthreads, axis=1)
    chunks = [[a0, loc_args, split2[i]] for i, a0 in enumerate(split0)]
    # Spawn one thread per chunk
    threads = [threading.Thread(target=solar_position_loop, args=chunk)
               for chunk in chunks]
    for thread in threads:
    for thread in threads:
    return result

def solar_position_numpy(unixtime, lat, lon, elev, pressure, temp, delta_t,
                         atmos_refract, numthreads, sst=False, esd=False):
    """Calculate the solar position assuming unixtime is a numpy array. Note
    this function will not work if the solar position functions were
    compiled with numba.

    jd = julian_day(unixtime)
    jde = julian_ephemeris_day(jd, delta_t)
    jc = julian_century(jd)
    jce = julian_ephemeris_century(jde)
    jme = julian_ephemeris_millennium(jce)
    R = heliocentric_radius_vector(jme)
    if esd:
        return (R, )
    L = heliocentric_longitude(jme)
    B = heliocentric_latitude(jme)
    Theta = geocentric_longitude(L)
    beta = geocentric_latitude(B)
    x0 = mean_elongation(jce)
    x1 = mean_anomaly_sun(jce)
    x2 = mean_anomaly_moon(jce)
    x3 = moon_argument_latitude(jce)
    x4 = moon_ascending_longitude(jce)
    delta_psi = longitude_nutation(jce, x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
    delta_epsilon = obliquity_nutation(jce, x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
    epsilon0 = mean_ecliptic_obliquity(jme)
    epsilon = true_ecliptic_obliquity(epsilon0, delta_epsilon)
    delta_tau = aberration_correction(R)
    lamd = apparent_sun_longitude(Theta, delta_psi, delta_tau)
    v0 = mean_sidereal_time(jd, jc)
    v = apparent_sidereal_time(v0, delta_psi, epsilon)
    alpha = geocentric_sun_right_ascension(lamd, epsilon, beta)
    delta = geocentric_sun_declination(lamd, epsilon, beta)
    if sst:
        return v, alpha, delta
    m = sun_mean_longitude(jme)
    eot = equation_of_time(m, alpha, delta_psi, epsilon)
    H = local_hour_angle(v, lon, alpha)
    xi = equatorial_horizontal_parallax(R)
    u = uterm(lat)
    x = xterm(u, lat, elev)
    y = yterm(u, lat, elev)
    delta_alpha = parallax_sun_right_ascension(x, xi, H, delta)
    delta_prime = topocentric_sun_declination(delta, x, y, xi, delta_alpha, H)
    H_prime = topocentric_local_hour_angle(H, delta_alpha)
    e0 = topocentric_elevation_angle_without_atmosphere(lat, delta_prime,
    delta_e = atmospheric_refraction_correction(pressure, temp, e0,
    e = topocentric_elevation_angle(e0, delta_e)
    theta = topocentric_zenith_angle(e)
    theta0 = topocentric_zenith_angle(e0)
    gamma = topocentric_astronomers_azimuth(H_prime, delta_prime, lat)
    phi = topocentric_azimuth_angle(gamma)
    return theta, theta0, e, e0, phi, eot

def solar_position(unixtime, lat, lon, elev, pressure, temp, delta_t,
                   atmos_refract, numthreads=8, sst=False, esd=False):

    Calculate the solar position using the
    NREL SPA algorithm described in [1].

    If numba is installed, the functions can be compiled
    and the code runs quickly. If not, the functions
    still evaluate but use numpy instead.

    unixtime : numpy array
        Array of unix/epoch timestamps to calculate solar position for.
        Unixtime is the number of seconds since Jan. 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC.
        A pandas.DatetimeIndex is easily converted using .astype(np.int64)/10**9
    lat : float
        Latitude to calculate solar position for
    lon : float
        Longitude to calculate solar position for
    elev : float
        Elevation of location in meters
    pressure : int or float
        avg. yearly pressure at location in millibars;
        used for atmospheric correction
    temp : int or float
        avg. yearly temperature at location in
        degrees C; used for atmospheric correction
    delta_t : float, optional
        If delta_t is None, uses spa.calculate_deltat
        using time.year and time.month from pandas.DatetimeIndex.
        For most simulations specifing delta_t is sufficient.
        Difference between terrestrial time and UT1.
        *Note: delta_t = None will break code using nrel_numba,
        this will be fixed in a future version.
        By default, use USNO historical data and predictions
    atmos_refrac : float, optional
        The approximate atmospheric refraction (in degrees)
        at sunrise and sunset.
    numthreads: int, optional, default 8
        Number of threads to use for computation if numba>=0.17
        is installed.
    sst : bool, default False
        If True, return only data needed for sunrise, sunset, and transit
    esd : bool, default False
        If True, return only Earth-Sun distance in AU

    Numpy Array with elements:
        apparent zenith,

    [1] I. Reda and A. Andreas, Solar position algorithm for solar radiation
    applications. Solar Energy, vol. 76, no. 5, pp. 577-589, 2004.

    [2] I. Reda and A. Andreas, Corrigendum to Solar position algorithm for
    solar radiation applications. Solar Energy, vol. 81, no. 6, p. 838, 2007.
    if USE_NUMBA:
        do_calc = solar_position_numba
        do_calc = solar_position_numpy

    result = do_calc(unixtime, lat, lon, elev, pressure,
                     temp, delta_t, atmos_refract, numthreads,
                     sst, esd)

    if not isinstance(result, np.ndarray):
            result = np.array(result)
        except Exception:

    return result

def transit_sunrise_sunset(dates, lat, lon, delta_t, numthreads):
    Calculate the sun transit, sunrise, and sunset
    for a set of dates at a given location.

    dates : array
        Numpy array of ints/floats corresponding to the Unix time
        for the dates of interest, must be midnight UTC (00:00+00:00)
        on the day of interest.
    lat : float
        Latitude of location to perform calculation for
    lon : float
        Longitude of location
    delta_t : float
        Difference between terrestrial time and UT. USNO has tables.
    numthreads : int
        Number to threads to use for calculation (if using numba)

    tuple : (transit, sunrise, sunset) localized to UTC


    if ((dates % 86400) != 0.0).any():
        raise ValueError('Input dates must be at 00:00 UTC')

    utday = (dates // 86400) * 86400
    ttday0 = utday - delta_t
    ttdayn1 = ttday0 - 86400
    ttdayp1 = ttday0 + 86400

    # index 0 is v, 1 is alpha, 2 is delta
    utday_res = solar_position(utday, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, delta_t,
                               0, numthreads, sst=True)
    v = utday_res[0]

    ttday0_res = solar_position(ttday0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, delta_t,
                                0, numthreads, sst=True)
    ttdayn1_res = solar_position(ttdayn1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, delta_t,
                                 0, numthreads, sst=True)
    ttdayp1_res = solar_position(ttdayp1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, delta_t,
                                 0, numthreads, sst=True)
    m0 = (ttday0_res[1] - lon - v) / 360
    cos_arg = ((np.sin(np.radians(-0.8333)) - np.sin(np.radians(lat))
               * np.sin(np.radians(ttday0_res[2]))) /
               (np.cos(np.radians(lat)) * np.cos(np.radians(ttday0_res[2]))))
    cos_arg[abs(cos_arg) > 1] = np.nan
    H0 = np.degrees(np.arccos(cos_arg)) % 180

    m = np.empty((3, len(utday)))
    m[0] = m0 % 1
    m[1] = (m[0] - H0 / 360)
    m[2] = (m[0] + H0 / 360)

    # need to account for fractions of day that may be the next or previous
    # day in UTC
    add_a_day = m[2] >= 1
    sub_a_day = m[1] < 0
    m[1] = m[1] % 1
    m[2] = m[2] % 1
    vs = v + 360.985647 * m
    n = m + delta_t / 86400

    a = ttday0_res[1] - ttdayn1_res[1]
    a[abs(a) > 2] = a[abs(a) > 2] % 1
    ap = ttday0_res[2] - ttdayn1_res[2]
    ap[abs(ap) > 2] = ap[abs(ap) > 2] % 1
    b = ttdayp1_res[1] - ttday0_res[1]
    b[abs(b) > 2] = b[abs(b) > 2] % 1
    bp = ttdayp1_res[2] - ttday0_res[2]
    bp[abs(bp) > 2] = bp[abs(bp) > 2] % 1
    c = b - a
    cp = bp - ap

    alpha_prime = ttday0_res[1] + (n * (a + b + c * n)) / 2
    delta_prime = ttday0_res[2] + (n * (ap + bp + cp * n)) / 2
    Hp = (vs + lon - alpha_prime) % 360
    Hp[Hp >= 180] = Hp[Hp >= 180] - 360

    h = np.degrees(np.arcsin(np.sin(np.radians(lat)) *
                             np.sin(np.radians(delta_prime)) +
                             np.cos(np.radians(lat)) *
                             * np.cos(np.radians(Hp))))

    T = (m[0] - Hp[0] / 360) * 86400
    R = (m[1] + (h[1] + 0.8333) / (360 * np.cos(np.radians(delta_prime[1])) *
                                   np.cos(np.radians(lat)) *
                                   np.sin(np.radians(Hp[1])))) * 86400
    S = (m[2] + (h[2] + 0.8333) / (360 * np.cos(np.radians(delta_prime[2])) *
                                   np.cos(np.radians(lat)) *
                                   np.sin(np.radians(Hp[2])))) * 86400

    S[add_a_day] += 86400
    R[sub_a_day] -= 86400

    transit = T + utday
    sunrise = R + utday
    sunset = S + utday

    return transit, sunrise, sunset

def earthsun_distance(unixtime, delta_t, numthreads):
    Calculates the distance from the earth to the sun using the
    NREL SPA algorithm described in [1].

    unixtime : numpy array
        Array of unix/epoch timestamps to calculate solar position for.
        Unixtime is the number of seconds since Jan. 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC.
        A pandas.DatetimeIndex is easily converted using .astype(np.int64)/10**9
    delta_t : float
        Difference between terrestrial time and UT. USNO has tables.
    numthreads : int
        Number to threads to use for calculation (if using numba)

    R : array
        Earth-Sun distance in AU.

    [1] Reda, I., Andreas, A., 2003. Solar position algorithm for solar
    radiation applications. Technical report: NREL/TP-560- 34302. Golden,

    R = solar_position(unixtime, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, delta_t,
                       0, numthreads, esd=True)[0]

    return R

[docs]def calculate_deltat(year, month): """Calculate the difference between Terrestrial Dynamical Time (TD) and Universal Time (UT). Note: This function is not yet compatible for calculations using Numba. Equations taken from """ plw = 'Deltat is unknown for years before -1999 and after 3000. ' \ 'Delta values will be calculated, but the calculations ' \ 'are not intended to be used for these years.' try: if np.any((year > 3000) | (year < -1999)): warnings.warn(plw) except ValueError: if (year > 3000) | (year < -1999): warnings.warn(plw) except TypeError: return 0 y = year + (month - 0.5)/12 deltat = np.where(year < -500, -20+32*((y-1820)/100)**2, 0) deltat = np.where((-500 <= year) & (year < 500), 10583.6-1014.41*(y/100) + 33.78311*(y/100)**2 - 5.952053*(y/100)**3 - 0.1798452*(y/100)**4 + 0.022174192*(y/100)**5 + 0.0090316521*(y/100)**6, deltat) deltat = np.where((500 <= year) & (year < 1600), 1574.2-556.01*((y-1000)/100) + 71.23472*((y-1000)/100)**2 + 0.319781*((y-1000)/100)**3 - 0.8503463*((y-1000)/100)**4 - 0.005050998*((y-1000)/100)**5 + 0.0083572073*((y-1000)/100)**6, deltat) deltat = np.where((1600 <= year) & (year < 1700), 120-0.9808*(y-1600) - 0.01532*(y-1600)**2 + (y-1600)**3/7129, deltat) deltat = np.where((1700 <= year) & (year < 1800), 8.83+0.1603*(y-1700) - 0.0059285*(y-1700)**2 + 0.00013336*(y-1700)**3 - (y-1700)**4/1174000, deltat) deltat = np.where((1800 <= year) & (year < 1860), 13.72-0.332447*(y-1800) + 0.0068612*(y-1800)**2 + 0.0041116*(y-1800)**3 - 0.00037436*(y-1800)**4 + 0.0000121272*(y-1800)**5 - 0.0000001699*(y-1800)**6 + 0.000000000875*(y-1800)**7, deltat) deltat = np.where((1860 <= year) & (year < 1900), 7.6+0.5737*(y-1860) - 0.251754*(y-1860)**2 + 0.01680668*(y-1860)**3 - 0.0004473624*(y-1860)**4 + (y-1860)**5/233174, deltat) deltat = np.where((1900 <= year) & (year < 1920), -2.79+1.494119*(y-1900) - 0.0598939*(y-1900)**2 + 0.0061966*(y-1900)**3 - 0.000197*(y-1900)**4, deltat) deltat = np.where((1920 <= year) & (year < 1941), 21.20+0.84493*(y-1920) - 0.076100*(y-1920)**2 + 0.0020936*(y-1920)**3, deltat) deltat = np.where((1941 <= year) & (year < 1961), 29.07+0.407*(y-1950) - (y-1950)**2/233 + (y-1950)**3/2547, deltat) deltat = np.where((1961 <= year) & (year < 1986), 45.45+1.067*(y-1975) - (y-1975)**2/260 - (y-1975)**3/718, deltat) deltat = np.where((1986 <= year) & (year < 2005), 63.86+0.3345*(y-2000) - 0.060374*(y-2000)**2 + 0.0017275*(y-2000)**3 + 0.000651814*(y-2000)**4 + 0.00002373599*(y-2000)**5, deltat) deltat = np.where((2005 <= year) & (year < 2050), 62.92+0.32217*(y-2000) + 0.005589*(y-2000)**2, deltat) deltat = np.where((2050 <= year) & (year < 2150), -20+32*((y-1820)/100)**2 - 0.5628*(2150-y), deltat) deltat = np.where(year > 2150, -20+32*((y-1820)/100)**2, deltat) deltat = np.asscalar(deltat) if np.isscalar(year) & np.isscalar(month)\ else deltat return deltat