The ``clearsky`` module contains several methods
to calculate clear sky GHI, DNI, and DHI.
import os
from collections import OrderedDict
import calendar
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar
from scipy.linalg import hankel
import h5py
from pvlib import atmosphere, tools
[docs]def ineichen(apparent_zenith, airmass_absolute, linke_turbidity,
altitude=0, dni_extra=1364., perez_enhancement=False):
Determine clear sky GHI, DNI, and DHI from Ineichen/Perez model.
Implements the Ineichen and Perez clear sky model for global
horizontal irradiance (GHI), direct normal irradiance (DNI), and
calculates the clear-sky diffuse horizontal (DHI) component as the
difference between GHI and DNI*cos(zenith) as presented in [1, 2]. A
report on clear sky models found the Ineichen/Perez model to have
excellent performance with a minimal input data set [3].
Default values for monthly Linke turbidity provided by SoDa [4, 5].
apparent_zenith : numeric
Refraction corrected solar zenith angle in degrees.
airmass_absolute : numeric
Pressure corrected airmass.
linke_turbidity : numeric
Linke Turbidity.
altitude : numeric, default 0
Altitude above sea level in meters.
dni_extra : numeric, default 1364
Extraterrestrial irradiance. The units of ``dni_extra``
determine the units of the output.
perez_enhancement : bool, default False
Controls if the Perez enhancement factor should be applied.
Setting to True may produce spurious results for times when
the Sun is near the horizon and the airmass is high.
See https://github.com/pvlib/pvlib-python/issues/435
clearsky : DataFrame (if Series input) or OrderedDict of arrays
DataFrame/OrderedDict contains the columns/keys
``'dhi', 'dni', 'ghi'``.
See also
.. [1] P. Ineichen and R. Perez, "A New airmass independent formulation for
the Linke turbidity coefficient", Solar Energy, vol 73, pp. 151-157,
.. [2] R. Perez et. al., "A New Operational Model for Satellite-Derived
Irradiances: Description and Validation", Solar Energy, vol 73, pp.
307-317, 2002.
.. [3] M. Reno, C. Hansen, and J. Stein, "Global Horizontal Irradiance
Clear Sky Models: Implementation and Analysis", Sandia National
Laboratories, SAND2012-2389, 2012.
.. [4] http://www.soda-is.com/eng/services/climat_free_eng.php#c5 (obtained
July 17, 2012).
.. [5] J. Remund, et. al., "Worldwide Linke Turbidity Information", Proc.
ISES Solar World Congress, June 2003. Goteborg, Sweden.
# ghi is calculated using either the equations in [1] by setting
# perez_enhancement=False (default behavior) or using the model
# in [2] by setting perez_enhancement=True.
# The NaN handling is a little subtle. The AM input is likely to
# have NaNs that we'll want to map to 0s in the output. However, we
# want NaNs in other inputs to propagate through to the output. This
# is accomplished by judicious use and placement of np.maximum,
# np.minimum, and np.fmax
# use max so that nighttime values will result in 0s instead of
# negatives. propagates nans.
cos_zenith = np.maximum(tools.cosd(apparent_zenith), 0)
tl = linke_turbidity
fh1 = np.exp(-altitude/8000.)
fh2 = np.exp(-altitude/1250.)
cg1 = 5.09e-05 * altitude + 0.868
cg2 = 3.92e-05 * altitude + 0.0387
ghi = np.exp(-cg2*airmass_absolute*(fh1 + fh2*(tl - 1)))
# https://github.com/pvlib/pvlib-python/issues/435
if perez_enhancement:
ghi *= np.exp(0.01*airmass_absolute**1.8)
# use fmax to map airmass nans to 0s. multiply and divide by tl to
# reinsert tl nans
ghi = cg1 * dni_extra * cos_zenith * tl / tl * np.fmax(ghi, 0)
# From [1] (Following [2] leads to 0.664 + 0.16268 / fh1)
# See https://github.com/pvlib/pvlib-python/pull/808
b = 0.664 + 0.163/fh1
# BncI = "normal beam clear sky radiation"
bnci = b * np.exp(-0.09 * airmass_absolute * (tl - 1))
bnci = dni_extra * np.fmax(bnci, 0)
# "empirical correction" SE 73, 157 & SE 73, 312.
bnci_2 = ((1 - (0.1 - 0.2*np.exp(-tl))/(0.1 + 0.882/fh1)) /
bnci_2 = ghi * np.fmin(np.fmax(bnci_2, 0), 1e20)
dni = np.minimum(bnci, bnci_2)
dhi = ghi - dni*cos_zenith
irrads = OrderedDict()
irrads['ghi'] = ghi
irrads['dni'] = dni
irrads['dhi'] = dhi
if isinstance(dni, pd.Series):
irrads = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(irrads)
return irrads
[docs]def lookup_linke_turbidity(time, latitude, longitude, filepath=None,
Look up the Linke Turibidity from the ``LinkeTurbidities.h5``
data file supplied with pvlib.
time : pandas.DatetimeIndex
latitude : float or int
longitude : float or int
filepath : None or string, default None
The path to the ``.h5`` file.
interp_turbidity : bool, default True
If ``True``, interpolates the monthly Linke turbidity values
found in ``LinkeTurbidities.h5`` to daily values.
turbidity : Series
# The .h5 file 'LinkeTurbidities.h5' contains a single 2160 x 4320 x 12
# matrix of type uint8 called 'LinkeTurbidity'. The rows represent global
# latitudes from 90 to -90 degrees; the columns represent global longitudes
# from -180 to 180; and the depth (third dimension) represents months of
# the year from January (1) to December (12). To determine the Linke
# turbidity for a position on the Earth's surface for a given month do the
# following: LT = LinkeTurbidity(LatitudeIndex, LongitudeIndex, month).
# Note that the numbers within the matrix are 20 * Linke Turbidity,
# so divide the number from the file by 20 to get the
# turbidity.
# The nodes of the grid are 5' (1/12=0.0833[arcdeg]) apart.
# From Section 8 of Aerosol optical depth and Linke turbidity climatology
# http://www.meteonorm.com/images/uploads/downloads/ieashc36_report_TL_AOD_climatologies.pdf
# 1st row: 89.9583 S, 2nd row: 89.875 S
# 1st column: 179.9583 W, 2nd column: 179.875 W
if filepath is None:
pvlib_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
filepath = os.path.join(pvlib_path, 'data', 'LinkeTurbidities.h5')
latitude_index = _degrees_to_index(latitude, coordinate='latitude')
longitude_index = _degrees_to_index(longitude, coordinate='longitude')
with h5py.File(filepath, 'r') as lt_h5_file:
lts = lt_h5_file['LinkeTurbidity'][latitude_index, longitude_index]
if interp_turbidity:
linke_turbidity = _interpolate_turbidity(lts, time)
months = time.month - 1
linke_turbidity = pd.Series(lts[months], index=time)
linke_turbidity /= 20.
return linke_turbidity
def _is_leap_year(year):
"""Determine if a year is leap year.
year : numeric
isleap : array of bools
isleap = ((np.mod(year, 4) == 0) &
((np.mod(year, 100) != 0) | (np.mod(year, 400) == 0)))
return isleap
def _interpolate_turbidity(lts, time):
Interpolated monthly Linke turbidity onto daily values.
lts : np.array
Monthly Linke turbidity values.
time : pd.DatetimeIndex
Times to be interpolated onto.
linke_turbidity : pd.Series
The interpolated turbidity.
# Data covers 1 year. Assume that data corresponds to the value at the
# middle of each month. This means that we need to add previous Dec and
# next Jan to the array so that the interpolation will work for
# Jan 1 - Jan 15 and Dec 16 - Dec 31.
lts_concat = np.concatenate([[lts[-1]], lts, [lts[0]]])
# handle leap years
isleap = time.is_leap_year
except AttributeError:
year = time.year
isleap = _is_leap_year(year)
dayofyear = time.dayofyear
days_leap = _calendar_month_middles(2016)
days_no_leap = _calendar_month_middles(2015)
# Then we map the month value to the day of year value.
# Do it for both leap and non-leap years.
lt_leap = np.interp(dayofyear, days_leap, lts_concat)
lt_no_leap = np.interp(dayofyear, days_no_leap, lts_concat)
linke_turbidity = np.where(isleap, lt_leap, lt_no_leap)
linke_turbidity = pd.Series(linke_turbidity, index=time)
return linke_turbidity
def _calendar_month_middles(year):
"""List of middle day of each month, used by Linke turbidity lookup"""
# remove mdays[0] since January starts at mdays[1]
# make local copy of mdays since we need to change
# February for leap years
mdays = np.array(calendar.mdays[1:])
ydays = 365
# handle leap years
if calendar.isleap(year):
mdays[1] = mdays[1] + 1
ydays = 366
middles = np.concatenate(
[[-calendar.mdays[-1] / 2.0], # Dec last year
np.cumsum(mdays) - np.array(mdays) / 2., # this year
[ydays + calendar.mdays[1] / 2.0]]) # Jan next year
return middles
def _degrees_to_index(degrees, coordinate):
"""Transform input degrees to an output index integer. The Linke
turbidity lookup tables have three dimensions, latitude, longitude, and
month. Specify a degree value and either 'latitude' or 'longitude' to get
the appropriate index number for the first two of these index numbers.
degrees : float or int
Degrees of either latitude or longitude.
coordinate : string
Specify whether degrees arg is latitude or longitude. Must be set to
either 'latitude' or 'longitude' or an error will be raised.
index : np.int16
The latitude or longitude index number to use when looking up values
in the Linke turbidity lookup table.
# Assign inputmin, inputmax, and outputmax based on degree type.
if coordinate == 'latitude':
inputmin = 90
inputmax = -90
outputmax = 2160
elif coordinate == 'longitude':
inputmin = -180
inputmax = 180
outputmax = 4320
raise IndexError("coordinate must be 'latitude' or 'longitude'.")
inputrange = inputmax - inputmin
scale = outputmax/inputrange # number of indices per degree
center = inputmin + 1 / scale / 2 # shift to center of index
outputmax -= 1 # shift index to zero indexing
index = (degrees - center) * scale
err = IndexError('Input, %g, is out of range (%g, %g).' %
(degrees, inputmin, inputmax))
# If the index is still out of bounds after rounding, raise an error.
# 0.500001 is used in comparisons instead of 0.5 to allow for a small
# margin of error which can occur when dealing with floating point numbers.
if index > outputmax:
if index - outputmax <= 0.500001:
index = outputmax
raise err
elif index < 0:
if -index <= 0.500001:
index = 0
raise err
# If the index wasn't set to outputmax or 0, round it and cast it as an
# integer so it can be used in integer-based indexing.
index = int(np.around(index))
return index
[docs]def haurwitz(apparent_zenith):
Determine clear sky GHI using the Haurwitz model.
Implements the Haurwitz clear sky model for global horizontal
irradiance (GHI) as presented in [1, 2]. A report on clear
sky models found the Haurwitz model to have the best performance
in terms of average monthly error among models which require only
zenith angle [3].
apparent_zenith : Series
The apparent (refraction corrected) sun zenith angle
in degrees.
ghi : DataFrame
The modeled global horizonal irradiance in W/m^2 provided
by the Haurwitz clear-sky model.
.. [1] B. Haurwitz, "Insolation in Relation to Cloudiness and Cloud
Density," Journal of Meteorology, vol. 2, pp. 154-166, 1945.
.. [2] B. Haurwitz, "Insolation in Relation to Cloud Type," Journal of
Meteorology, vol. 3, pp. 123-124, 1946.
.. [3] M. Reno, C. Hansen, and J. Stein, "Global Horizontal Irradiance
Clear Sky Models: Implementation and Analysis", Sandia National
Laboratories, SAND2012-2389, 2012.
cos_zenith = tools.cosd(apparent_zenith.values)
clearsky_ghi = np.zeros_like(apparent_zenith.values)
cos_zen_gte_0 = cos_zenith > 0
clearsky_ghi[cos_zen_gte_0] = (1098.0 * cos_zenith[cos_zen_gte_0] *
df_out = pd.DataFrame(index=apparent_zenith.index,
return df_out
[docs]def simplified_solis(apparent_elevation, aod700=0.1, precipitable_water=1.,
pressure=101325., dni_extra=1364.):
Calculate the clear sky GHI, DNI, and DHI according to the
simplified Solis model.
Reference [1]_ describes the accuracy of the model as being 15, 20,
and 18 W/m^2 for the beam, global, and diffuse components. Reference
[2]_ provides comparisons with other clear sky models.
apparent_elevation : numeric
The apparent elevation of the sun above the horizon (deg).
aod700 : numeric, default 0.1
The aerosol optical depth at 700 nm (unitless).
Algorithm derived for values between 0 and 0.45.
precipitable_water : numeric, default 1.0
The precipitable water of the atmosphere (cm).
Algorithm derived for values between 0.2 and 10 cm.
Values less than 0.2 will be assumed to be equal to 0.2.
pressure : numeric, default 101325.0
The atmospheric pressure (Pascals).
Algorithm derived for altitudes between sea level and 7000 m,
or 101325 and 41000 Pascals.
dni_extra : numeric, default 1364.0
Extraterrestrial irradiance. The units of ``dni_extra``
determine the units of the output.
clearsky : DataFrame (if Series input) or OrderedDict of arrays
DataFrame/OrderedDict contains the columns/keys
``'dhi', 'dni', 'ghi'``.
.. [1] P. Ineichen, "A broadband simplified version of the
Solis clear sky model," Solar Energy, 82, 758-762 (2008).
.. [2] P. Ineichen, "Validation of models that estimate the clear
sky global and beam solar irradiance," Solar Energy, 132,
332-344 (2016).
p = pressure
w = precipitable_water
# algorithm fails for pw < 0.2
w = np.maximum(w, 0.2)
# this algorithm is reasonably fast already, but it could be made
# faster by precalculating the powers of aod700, the log(p/p0), and
# the log(w) instead of repeating the calculations as needed in each
# function
i0p = _calc_i0p(dni_extra, w, aod700, p)
taub = _calc_taub(w, aod700, p)
b = _calc_b(w, aod700)
taug = _calc_taug(w, aod700, p)
g = _calc_g(w, aod700)
taud = _calc_taud(w, aod700, p)
d = _calc_d(aod700, p)
# this prevents the creation of nans at night instead of 0s
# it's also friendly to scalar and series inputs
sin_elev = np.maximum(1.e-30, np.sin(np.radians(apparent_elevation)))
dni = i0p * np.exp(-taub/sin_elev**b)
ghi = i0p * np.exp(-taug/sin_elev**g) * sin_elev
dhi = i0p * np.exp(-taud/sin_elev**d)
irrads = OrderedDict()
irrads['ghi'] = ghi
irrads['dni'] = dni
irrads['dhi'] = dhi
if isinstance(dni, pd.Series):
irrads = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(irrads)
return irrads
def _calc_i0p(i0, w, aod700, p):
"""Calculate the "enhanced extraterrestrial irradiance"."""
p0 = 101325.
io0 = 1.08 * w**0.0051
i01 = 0.97 * w**0.032
i02 = 0.12 * w**0.56
i0p = i0 * (i02*aod700**2 + i01*aod700 + io0 + 0.071*np.log(p/p0))
return i0p
def _calc_taub(w, aod700, p):
"""Calculate the taub coefficient"""
p0 = 101325.
tb1 = 1.82 + 0.056*np.log(w) + 0.0071*np.log(w)**2
tb0 = 0.33 + 0.045*np.log(w) + 0.0096*np.log(w)**2
tbp = 0.0089*w + 0.13
taub = tb1*aod700 + tb0 + tbp*np.log(p/p0)
return taub
def _calc_b(w, aod700):
"""Calculate the b coefficient."""
b1 = 0.00925*aod700**2 + 0.0148*aod700 - 0.0172
b0 = -0.7565*aod700**2 + 0.5057*aod700 + 0.4557
b = b1 * np.log(w) + b0
return b
def _calc_taug(w, aod700, p):
"""Calculate the taug coefficient"""
p0 = 101325.
tg1 = 1.24 + 0.047*np.log(w) + 0.0061*np.log(w)**2
tg0 = 0.27 + 0.043*np.log(w) + 0.0090*np.log(w)**2
tgp = 0.0079*w + 0.1
taug = tg1*aod700 + tg0 + tgp*np.log(p/p0)
return taug
def _calc_g(w, aod700):
"""Calculate the g coefficient."""
g = -0.0147*np.log(w) - 0.3079*aod700**2 + 0.2846*aod700 + 0.3798
return g
def _calc_taud(w, aod700, p):
"""Calculate the taud coefficient."""
# isscalar tests needed to ensure that the arrays will have the
# right shape in the tds calculation.
# there's probably a better way to do this.
if np.isscalar(w) and np.isscalar(aod700):
w = np.array([w])
aod700 = np.array([aod700])
elif np.isscalar(w):
w = np.full_like(aod700, w)
elif np.isscalar(aod700):
aod700 = np.full_like(w, aod700)
# set up nan-tolerant masks
aod700_lt_0p05 = np.full_like(aod700, False, dtype='bool')
np.less(aod700, 0.05, where=~np.isnan(aod700), out=aod700_lt_0p05)
aod700_mask = np.array([aod700_lt_0p05, ~aod700_lt_0p05], dtype=int)
# create tuples of coefficients for
# aod700 < 0.05, aod700 >= 0.05
td4 = 86*w - 13800, -0.21*w + 11.6
td3 = -3.11*w + 79.4, 0.27*w - 20.7
td2 = -0.23*w + 74.8, -0.134*w + 15.5
td1 = 0.092*w - 8.86, 0.0554*w - 5.71
td0 = 0.0042*w + 3.12, 0.0057*w + 2.94
tdp = -0.83*(1+aod700)**(-17.2), -0.71*(1+aod700)**(-15.0)
tds = (np.array([td0, td1, td2, td3, td4, tdp]) * aod700_mask).sum(axis=1)
p0 = 101325.
taud = (tds[4]*aod700**4 + tds[3]*aod700**3 + tds[2]*aod700**2 +
tds[1]*aod700 + tds[0] + tds[5]*np.log(p/p0))
# be polite about matching the output type to the input type(s)
if len(taud) == 1:
taud = taud[0]
return taud
def _calc_d(aod700, p):
"""Calculate the d coefficient."""
p0 = 101325.
dp = 1/(18 + 152*aod700)
d = -0.337*aod700**2 + 0.63*aod700 + 0.116 + dp*np.log(p/p0)
return d
def _calc_stats(data, samples_per_window, sample_interval, H):
""" Calculates statistics for each window, used by Reno-style clear
sky detection functions. Does not return the line length statistic
which is provided by _calc_windowed_stat and _line_length.
Calculations are done on a sliding window defined by the Hankel matrix H.
Columns in H define the indices for each window. Each window contains
samples_per_window index values. The first window starts with index 0;
the last window ends at the last index position in data.
In the calculation of data_slope_nstd, a choice is made here where [1]_ is
ambiguous. data_slope_nstd is the standard deviation of slopes divided by
the mean GHI for each interval; see [1]_ Eq. 11. For intervals containing
e.g. 10 values, there are 9 slope values in the standard deviation, and the
mean is calculated using all 10 values. Eq. 11 in [1]_ is ambiguous if
the mean should be calculated using 9 points (left ends of each slope)
or all 10 points.
data : Series
samples_per_window : int
Number of data points in each window
sample_interval : float
Time in minutes in each sample interval
H : 2D ndarray
Hankel matrix defining the indices for each window.
data_mean : Series
mean of data in each window
data_max : Series
maximum of data in each window
data_slope_nstd : Series
standard deviation of difference between data points in each window
data_slope : Series
difference between successive data points
.. [1] Reno, M.J. and C.W. Hansen, "Identification of periods of clear
sky irradiance in time series of GHI measurements" Renewable Energy,
v90, p. 520-531, 2016.
data_mean = data.values[H].mean(axis=0)
data_mean = _to_centered_series(data_mean, data.index, samples_per_window)
data_max = data.values[H].max(axis=0)
data_max = _to_centered_series(data_max, data.index, samples_per_window)
# shift to get forward difference, .diff() is backward difference instead
data_diff = data.diff().shift(-1)
data_slope = data_diff / sample_interval
data_slope_nstd = _slope_nstd_windowed(data_slope.values[:-1], data, H,
samples_per_window, sample_interval)
data_slope_nstd = data_slope_nstd
return data_mean, data_max, data_slope_nstd, data_slope
def _slope_nstd_windowed(slopes, data, H, samples_per_window, sample_interval):
with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
nstd = slopes[H[:-1, ]].std(ddof=1, axis=0) \
/ data.values[H].mean(axis=0)
return _to_centered_series(nstd, data.index, samples_per_window)
def _max_diff_windowed(data, H, samples_per_window):
raw = np.diff(data)
raw = np.abs(raw[H[:-1, ]]).max(axis=0)
return _to_centered_series(raw, data.index, samples_per_window)
def _line_length_windowed(data, H, samples_per_window,
raw = np.sqrt(np.diff(data)**2. + sample_interval**2.)
raw = np.sum(raw[H[:-1, ]], axis=0)
return _to_centered_series(raw, data.index, samples_per_window)
def _to_centered_series(vals, idx, samples_per_window):
vals = np.pad(vals, ((0, len(idx) - len(vals)),), mode='constant',
shift = samples_per_window // 2 # align = 'center' only
return pd.Series(index=idx, data=vals).shift(shift)
def _get_sample_intervals(times, win_length):
""" Calculates time interval and samples per window for Reno-style clear
sky detection functions
deltas = np.diff(times.values) / np.timedelta64(1, '60s')
# determine if we can proceed
if times.inferred_freq and len(np.unique(deltas)) == 1:
sample_interval = times[1] - times[0]
sample_interval = sample_interval.seconds / 60 # in minutes
samples_per_window = int(win_length / sample_interval)
return sample_interval, samples_per_window
raise NotImplementedError('algorithm does not yet support unequal '
'times. consider resampling your data.')
def _clear_sample_index(clear_windows, samples_per_window, align, H):
Returns indices of clear samples in clear windows
# H contains indices for each window, e.g. indices for the first window
# are in first column of H.
# clear_windows contains one boolean for each window and is aligned
# by 'align', default to center
# shift clear_windows.index to be aligned left (e.g. first value in the
# left-most position) to line up with the first column of H.
# commented if/else block for future align='left', 'right' capability
# if align == 'right':
# shift = 1 - samples_per_window
# elif align == 'center':
# shift = - (samples_per_window // 2)
# else:
# shift = 0
shift = -(samples_per_window // 2)
idx = clear_windows.shift(shift)
# drop rows at the end corresponding to windows past the end of data
idx = idx.drop(clear_windows.index[1 - samples_per_window:])
idx = idx.astype(bool) # shift changed type to object
clear_samples = np.unique(H[:, idx])
return clear_samples
[docs]def detect_clearsky(measured, clearsky, times=None, window_length=10,
mean_diff=75, max_diff=75,
lower_line_length=-5, upper_line_length=10,
var_diff=0.005, slope_dev=8, max_iterations=20,
Detects clear sky times according to the algorithm developed by Reno
and Hansen for GHI measurements. The algorithm [1]_ was designed and
validated for analyzing GHI time series only. Users may attempt to
apply it to other types of time series data using different filter
settings, but should be skeptical of the results.
The algorithm detects clear sky times by comparing statistics for a
measured time series and an expected clearsky time series.
Statistics are calculated using a sliding time window (e.g., 10
minutes). An iterative algorithm identifies clear periods, uses the
identified periods to estimate bias in the clearsky data, scales the
clearsky data and repeats.
Clear times are identified by meeting 5 criteria. Default values for
these thresholds are appropriate for 10 minute windows of 1 minute
GHI data.
measured : array or Series
Time series of measured GHI. [W/m2]
clearsky : array or Series
Time series of the expected clearsky GHI. [W/m2]
times : DatetimeIndex or None, default None.
Times of measured and clearsky values. If None the index of measured
will be used.
window_length : int, default 10
Length of sliding time window in minutes. Must be greater than 2
mean_diff : float, default 75
Threshold value for agreement between mean values of measured
and clearsky in each interval, see Eq. 6 in [1]. [W/m2]
max_diff : float, default 75
Threshold value for agreement between maxima of measured and
clearsky values in each interval, see Eq. 7 in [1]. [W/m2]
lower_line_length : float, default -5
Lower limit of line length criterion from Eq. 8 in [1].
Criterion satisfied when lower_line_length < line length difference
< upper_line_length.
upper_line_length : float, default 10
Upper limit of line length criterion from Eq. 8 in [1].
var_diff : float, default 0.005
Threshold value in Hz for the agreement between normalized
standard deviations of rate of change in irradiance, see Eqs. 9
through 11 in [1].
slope_dev : float, default 8
Threshold value for agreement between the largest magnitude of
change in successive values, see Eqs. 12 through 14 in [1].
max_iterations : int, default 20
Maximum number of times to apply a different scaling factor to
the clearsky and redetermine clear_samples. Must be 1 or larger.
return_components : bool, default False
Controls if additional output should be returned. See below.
clear_samples : array or Series
Boolean array or Series of whether or not the given time is
clear. Return type is the same as the input type.
components : OrderedDict, optional
Dict of arrays of whether or not the given time window is clear
for each condition. Only provided if return_components is True.
alpha : scalar, optional
Scaling factor applied to the clearsky_ghi to obtain the
detected clear_samples. Only provided if return_components is
If measured is not a Series and times is not provided
If timestamps are not equally spaced
.. [1] Reno, M.J. and C.W. Hansen, "Identification of periods of clear
sky irradiance in time series of GHI measurements" Renewable Energy,
v90, p. 520-531, 2016.
Initial implementation in MATLAB by Matthew Reno. Modifications for
computational efficiency by Joshua Patrick and Curtis Martin. Ported
to Python by Will Holmgren, Tony Lorenzo, and Cliff Hansen.
Differences from MATLAB version:
* no support for unequal times
* automatically determines sample_interval
* requires a reference clear sky series instead calculating one
from a user supplied location and UTCoffset
* parameters are controllable via keyword arguments
* option to return individual test components and clearsky scaling
* uses centered windows (Matlab function uses left-aligned windows)
if times is None:
times = measured.index
except AttributeError:
raise ValueError("times is required when measured is not a Series")
# be polite about returning the same type as was input
ispandas = isinstance(measured, pd.Series)
# for internal use, need a Series
if not ispandas:
meas = pd.Series(measured, index=times)
meas = measured
if not isinstance(clearsky, pd.Series):
clear = pd.Series(clearsky, index=times)
clear = clearsky
sample_interval, samples_per_window = _get_sample_intervals(times,
# generate matrix of integers for creating windows with indexing
H = hankel(np.arange(samples_per_window),
np.arange(samples_per_window-1, len(times)))
# calculate measurement statistics
meas_mean, meas_max, meas_slope_nstd, meas_slope = _calc_stats(
meas, samples_per_window, sample_interval, H)
meas_line_length = _line_length_windowed(
meas, H, samples_per_window, sample_interval)
# calculate clear sky statistics
clear_mean, clear_max, _, clear_slope = _calc_stats(
clear, samples_per_window, sample_interval, H)
# find a scaling factor for the clear sky time series that minimizes the
# RMSE between the clear times identified in the measured data and the
# scaled clear sky time series. Optimization to determine the scaling
# factor considers all identified clear times, which is different from [1]
# where the scaling factor was determined from clear times on days with
# at least 50% of the day being identified as clear.
alpha = 1
for iteration in range(max_iterations):
scaled_clear = alpha * clear
clear_line_length = _line_length_windowed(
scaled_clear, H, samples_per_window, sample_interval)
line_diff = meas_line_length - clear_line_length
slope_max_diff = _max_diff_windowed(
meas - scaled_clear, H, samples_per_window)
# evaluate comparison criteria
c1 = np.abs(meas_mean - alpha*clear_mean) < mean_diff
c2 = np.abs(meas_max - alpha*clear_max) < max_diff
c3 = (line_diff > lower_line_length) & (line_diff < upper_line_length)
c4 = meas_slope_nstd < var_diff
c5 = slope_max_diff < slope_dev
c6 = (clear_mean != 0) & ~np.isnan(clear_mean)
clear_windows = c1 & c2 & c3 & c4 & c5 & c6
# create array to return
clear_samples = np.full_like(meas, False, dtype='bool')
# find the samples contained in any window classified as clear
idx = _clear_sample_index(clear_windows, samples_per_window, 'center',
clear_samples[idx] = True
# find a new alpha
previous_alpha = alpha
clear_meas = meas[clear_samples]
clear_clear = clear[clear_samples]
def rmse(alpha):
return np.sqrt(np.mean((clear_meas - alpha*clear_clear)**2))
alpha = minimize_scalar(rmse).x
if round(alpha*10000) == round(previous_alpha*10000):
import warnings
warnings.warn('rescaling failed to converge after %s iterations'
% max_iterations, RuntimeWarning)
# be polite about returning the same type as was input
if ispandas:
clear_samples = pd.Series(clear_samples, index=times)
if return_components:
components = OrderedDict()
components['mean_diff_flag'] = c1
components['max_diff_flag'] = c2
components['line_length_flag'] = c3
components['slope_nstd_flag'] = c4
components['slope_max_flag'] = c5
components['mean_nan_flag'] = c6
components['windows'] = clear_windows
components['mean_diff'] = np.abs(meas_mean - alpha * clear_mean)
components['max_diff'] = np.abs(meas_max - alpha * clear_max)
components['line_length'] = meas_line_length - clear_line_length
components['slope_nstd'] = meas_slope_nstd
components['slope_max'] = slope_max_diff
return clear_samples, components, alpha
return clear_samples
[docs]def bird(zenith, airmass_relative, aod380, aod500, precipitable_water,
ozone=0.3, pressure=101325., dni_extra=1364., asymmetry=0.85,
Bird Simple Clear Sky Broadband Solar Radiation Model
Based on NREL Excel implementation by Daryl R. Myers [1, 2].
Bird and Hulstrom define the zenith as the "angle between a line to
the sun and the local zenith". There is no distinction in the paper
between solar zenith and apparent (or refracted) zenith, but the
relative airmass is defined using the Kasten 1966 expression, which
requires apparent zenith. Although the formulation for calculated
zenith is never explicitly defined in the report, since the purpose
was to compare existing clear sky models with "rigorous radiative
transfer models" (RTM) it is possible that apparent zenith was
obtained as output from the RTM. However, the implentation presented
in PVLIB is tested against the NREL Excel implementation by Daryl
Myers which uses an analytical expression for solar zenith instead
of apparent zenith.
zenith : numeric
Solar or apparent zenith angle in degrees - see note above
airmass_relative : numeric
Relative airmass
aod380 : numeric
Aerosol optical depth [cm] measured at 380[nm]
aod500 : numeric
Aerosol optical depth [cm] measured at 500[nm]
precipitable_water : numeric
Precipitable water [cm]
ozone : numeric
Atmospheric ozone [cm], defaults to 0.3[cm]
pressure : numeric
Ambient pressure [Pa], defaults to 101325[Pa]
dni_extra : numeric
Extraterrestrial radiation [W/m^2], defaults to 1364[W/m^2]
asymmetry : numeric
Asymmetry factor, defaults to 0.85
albedo : numeric
Albedo, defaults to 0.2
clearsky : DataFrame (if Series input) or OrderedDict of arrays
DataFrame/OrderedDict contains the columns/keys
``'dhi', 'dni', 'ghi', 'direct_horizontal'`` in [W/m^2].
See also
.. [1] R. E. Bird and R. L Hulstrom, "A Simplified Clear Sky model for
Direct and Diffuse Insolation on Horizontal Surfaces" SERI Technical
Report SERI/TR-642-761, Feb 1981. Solar Energy Research Institute,
Golden, CO.
.. [2] Daryl R. Myers, "Solar Radiation: Practical Modeling for Renewable
Energy Applications", pp. 46-51 CRC Press (2013)
.. [3] `NREL Bird Clear Sky Model <http://rredc.nrel.gov/solar/models/
.. [4] `SERI/TR-642-761 <http://rredc.nrel.gov/solar/pubs/pdfs/
.. [5] `Error Reports <http://rredc.nrel.gov/solar/models/clearsky/
etr = dni_extra # extraradiation
ze_rad = np.deg2rad(zenith) # zenith in radians
airmass = airmass_relative
# Bird clear sky model
am_press = atmosphere.get_absolute_airmass(airmass, pressure)
t_rayleigh = (
np.exp(-0.0903 * am_press ** 0.84 * (
1.0 + am_press - am_press ** 1.01
am_o3 = ozone*airmass
t_ozone = (
1.0 - 0.1611 * am_o3 * (1.0 + 139.48 * am_o3) ** -0.3034 -
0.002715 * am_o3 / (1.0 + 0.044 * am_o3 + 0.0003 * am_o3 ** 2.0)
t_gases = np.exp(-0.0127 * am_press ** 0.26)
am_h2o = airmass * precipitable_water
t_water = (
1.0 - 2.4959 * am_h2o / (
(1.0 + 79.034 * am_h2o) ** 0.6828 + 6.385 * am_h2o
bird_huldstrom = atmosphere.bird_hulstrom80_aod_bb(aod380, aod500)
t_aerosol = np.exp(
-(bird_huldstrom ** 0.873) *
(1.0 + bird_huldstrom - bird_huldstrom ** 0.7088) * airmass ** 0.9108
taa = 1.0 - 0.1 * (1.0 - airmass + airmass ** 1.06) * (1.0 - t_aerosol)
rs = 0.0685 + (1.0 - asymmetry) * (1.0 - t_aerosol / taa)
id_ = 0.9662 * etr * t_aerosol * t_water * t_gases * t_ozone * t_rayleigh
ze_cos = np.where(zenith < 90, np.cos(ze_rad), 0.0)
id_nh = id_ * ze_cos
ias = (
etr * ze_cos * 0.79 * t_ozone * t_gases * t_water * taa *
(0.5 * (1.0 - t_rayleigh) + asymmetry * (1.0 - (t_aerosol / taa))) / (
1.0 - airmass + airmass ** 1.02
gh = (id_nh + ias) / (1.0 - albedo * rs)
diffuse_horiz = gh - id_nh
# TODO: be DRY, use decorator to wrap methods that need to return either
# OrderedDict or DataFrame instead of repeating this boilerplate code
irrads = OrderedDict()
irrads['direct_horizontal'] = id_nh
irrads['ghi'] = gh
irrads['dni'] = id_
irrads['dhi'] = diffuse_horiz
if isinstance(irrads['dni'], pd.Series):
irrads = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(irrads)
return irrads