The 'forecast' module contains class definitions for
retreiving forecasted data from UNIDATA Thredd servers.
from netCDF4 import num2date
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from requests.exceptions import HTTPError
from xml.etree.ElementTree import ParseError
from pvlib.location import Location
from pvlib.irradiance import campbell_norman, get_extra_radiation, disc
from pvlib.irradiance import _liujordan
from siphon.catalog import TDSCatalog
from siphon.ncss import NCSS
import warnings
'The forecast module algorithms and features are highly experimental. '
'The API may change, the functionality may be consolidated into an io '
'module, or the module may be separated into its own package.')
class ForecastModel:
An object for querying and holding forecast model information for
use within the pvlib library.
Simplifies use of siphon library on a THREDDS server.
model_type: string
UNIDATA category in which the model is located.
model_name: string
Name of the UNIDATA forecast model.
set_type: string
Model dataset type.
access_url: string
URL specifying the dataset from data will be retrieved.
base_tds_url : string
The top level server address
catalog_url : string
The url path of the catalog to parse.
data: pd.DataFrame
Data returned from the query.
data_format: string
Format of the forecast data being requested from UNIDATA.
dataset: Dataset
Object containing information used to access forecast data.
dataframe_variables: list
Model variables that are present in the data.
datasets_list: list
List of all available datasets.
fm_models: Dataset
TDSCatalog object containing all available
forecast models from UNIDATA.
fm_models_list: list
List of all available forecast models from UNIDATA.
latitude: list
A list of floats containing latitude values.
location: Location
A pvlib Location object containing geographic quantities.
longitude: list
A list of floats containing longitude values.
lbox: boolean
Indicates the use of a location bounding box.
ncss: NCSS object
model_name: string
Name of the UNIDATA forecast model.
model: Dataset
A dictionary of Dataset object, whose keys are the name of the
dataset's name.
model_url: string
The url path of the dataset to parse.
modelvariables: list
Common variable names that correspond to queryvariables.
query: NCSS query object
NCSS object used to complete the forecast data retrival.
queryvariables: list
Variables that are used to query the THREDDS Data Server.
time: DatetimeIndex
Time range.
variables: dict
Defines the variables to obtain from the weather
model and how they should be renamed to common variable names.
units: dict
Dictionary containing the units of the standard variables
and the model specific variables.
vert_level: float or integer
Vertical altitude for query data.
access_url_key = 'NetcdfSubset'
catalog_url = 'https://thredds.ucar.edu/thredds/catalog.xml'
base_tds_url = catalog_url.split('/thredds/')[0]
data_format = 'netcdf'
units = {
'temp_air': 'C',
'wind_speed': 'm/s',
'ghi': 'W/m^2',
'ghi_raw': 'W/m^2',
'dni': 'W/m^2',
'dhi': 'W/m^2',
'total_clouds': '%',
'low_clouds': '%',
'mid_clouds': '%',
'high_clouds': '%'}
def __init__(self, model_type, model_name, set_type, vert_level=None):
self.model_type = model_type
self.model_name = model_name
self.set_type = set_type
self.connected = False
self.vert_level = vert_level
def connect_to_catalog(self):
self.catalog = TDSCatalog(self.catalog_url)
self.fm_models = TDSCatalog(
self.fm_models_list = sorted(list(self.fm_models.catalog_refs.keys()))
model_url = self.fm_models.catalog_refs[self.model_name].href
except ParseError:
raise ParseError(self.model_name + ' model may be unavailable.')
self.model = TDSCatalog(model_url)
except HTTPError:
self.model = TDSCatalog(model_url)
except HTTPError:
raise HTTPError(self.model_name + ' model may be unavailable.')
self.datasets_list = list(self.model.datasets.keys())
self.connected = True
def __repr__(self):
return f'{self.model_name}, {self.set_type}'
[docs] def set_dataset(self):
Retrieves the designated dataset, creates NCSS object, and
creates a NCSS query object.
keys = list(self.model.datasets.keys())
labels = [item.split()[0].lower() for item in keys]
if self.set_type == 'best':
self.dataset = self.model.datasets[keys[labels.index('best')]]
elif self.set_type == 'latest':
self.dataset = self.model.datasets[keys[labels.index('latest')]]
elif self.set_type == 'full':
self.dataset = self.model.datasets[keys[labels.index('full')]]
self.access_url = self.dataset.access_urls[self.access_url_key]
self.ncss = NCSS(self.access_url)
self.query = self.ncss.query()
def set_query_time_range(self, start, end):
start : datetime.datetime, pandas.Timestamp
Must be tz-localized.
end : datetime.datetime, pandas.Timestamp
Must be tz-localized.
Assigns ``self.start``, ``self.end``. Modifies ``self.query``
self.start = pd.Timestamp(start)
self.end = pd.Timestamp(end)
if self.start.tz is None or self.end.tz is None:
raise TypeError('start and end must be tz-localized')
# don't assume that siphon or the server can handle anything other
# than UTC
[docs] def set_query_latlon(self):
Sets the NCSS query location latitude and longitude.
if (isinstance(self.longitude, list) and
isinstance(self.latitude, list)):
self.lbox = True
# west, east, south, north
self.query.lonlat_box(self.longitude[0], self.longitude[1],
self.latitude[0], self.latitude[1])
self.lbox = False
self.query.lonlat_point(self.longitude, self.latitude)
[docs] def set_location(self, tz, latitude, longitude):
Sets the location for the query.
tz: tzinfo
Timezone of the query
latitude: float
Latitude of the query
longitude: float
Longitude of the query
Assigns ``self.location``.
self.location = Location(latitude, longitude, tz=tz)
[docs] def get_data(self, latitude, longitude, start, end,
vert_level=None, query_variables=None,
close_netcdf_data=True, **kwargs):
Submits a query to the UNIDATA servers using Siphon NCSS and
converts the netcdf data to a pandas DataFrame.
latitude: float
The latitude value.
longitude: float
The longitude value.
start: datetime or timestamp
The start time.
end: datetime or timestamp
The end time.
vert_level: None, float or integer, default None
Vertical altitude of interest.
query_variables: None or list, default None
If None, uses self.variables.
close_netcdf_data: bool, default True
Controls if the temporary netcdf data file should be closed.
Set to False to access the raw data.
Additional keyword arguments are silently ignored.
forecast_data : DataFrame
column names are the weather model's variable names.
if not self.connected:
if vert_level is not None:
self.vert_level = vert_level
if query_variables is None:
self.query_variables = list(self.variables.values())
self.query_variables = query_variables
self.set_query_time_range(start, end)
self.latitude = latitude
self.longitude = longitude
self.set_query_latlon() # modifies self.query
self.set_location(self.start.tz, latitude, longitude)
if self.vert_level is not None:
self.netcdf_data = self.ncss.get_data(self.query)
# might be better to go to xarray here so that we can handle
# higher dimensional data for more advanced applications
self.data = self._netcdf2pandas(self.netcdf_data, self.query_variables,
self.start, self.end)
if close_netcdf_data:
return self.data
[docs] def process_data(self, data, **kwargs):
Defines the steps needed to convert raw forecast data
into processed forecast data. Most forecast models implement
their own version of this method which also call this one.
data: DataFrame
Raw forecast data
data: DataFrame
Processed forecast data.
data = self.rename(data)
return data
[docs] def get_processed_data(self, *args, **kwargs):
Get and process forecast data.
*args: positional arguments
Passed to get_data
**kwargs: keyword arguments
Passed to get_data and process_data
data: DataFrame
Processed forecast data
return self.process_data(self.get_data(*args, **kwargs), **kwargs)
[docs] def rename(self, data, variables=None):
Renames the columns according the variable mapping.
data: DataFrame
variables: None or dict, default None
If None, uses self.variables
data: DataFrame
Renamed data.
if variables is None:
variables = self.variables
return data.rename(columns={y: x for x, y in variables.items()})
def _netcdf2pandas(self, netcdf_data, query_variables, start, end):
Transforms data from netcdf to pandas DataFrame.
data: netcdf
Data returned from UNIDATA NCSS query.
query_variables: list
The variables requested.
start: Timestamp
The start time
end: Timestamp
The end time
# set self.time
time_var = 'time'
except KeyError:
# which model does this dumb thing?
time_var = 'time1'
data_dict = {}
for key, data in netcdf_data.variables.items():
# if accounts for possibility of extra variable returned
if key not in query_variables:
squeezed = data[:].squeeze()
# If the data is big endian, swap the byte order to make it
# little endian
if squeezed.dtype.byteorder == '>':
squeezed = squeezed.byteswap().newbyteorder()
if squeezed.ndim == 1:
data_dict[key] = squeezed
elif squeezed.ndim == 2:
for num, data_level in enumerate(squeezed.T):
data_dict[key + '_' + str(num)] = data_level
raise ValueError('cannot parse ndim > 2')
data = pd.DataFrame(data_dict, index=self.time)
# sometimes data is returned as hours since T0
# where T0 is before start. Then the hours between
# T0 and start are added *after* end. So sort and slice
# to remove the garbage
data = data.sort_index().loc[start:end]
return data
[docs] def set_time(self, time):
Converts time data into a pandas date object.
time: netcdf
Contains time information.
# np.masked_array with elements like real_datetime(2021, 8, 17, 16, 0)
# and dtype=object
times = num2date(time[:].squeeze(), time.units,
# convert to pandas, localize to UTC, convert to desired timezone
self.time = pd.DatetimeIndex(
times, tz='UTC').tz_convert(self.location.tz)
[docs] def cloud_cover_to_ghi_linear(self, cloud_cover, ghi_clear, offset=35,
Convert cloud cover to GHI using a linear relationship.
0% cloud cover returns ghi_clear.
100% cloud cover returns offset*ghi_clear.
cloud_cover: numeric
Cloud cover in %.
ghi_clear: numeric
GHI under clear sky conditions.
offset: numeric, default 35
Determines the minimum GHI.
Not used.
ghi: numeric
Estimated GHI.
Larson et. al. "Day-ahead forecasting of solar power output from
photovoltaic plants in the American Southwest" Renewable Energy
91, 11-20 (2016).
offset = offset / 100.
cloud_cover = cloud_cover / 100.
ghi = (offset + (1 - offset) * (1 - cloud_cover)) * ghi_clear
return ghi
[docs] def cloud_cover_to_irradiance_clearsky_scaling(self, cloud_cover,
Estimates irradiance from cloud cover in the following steps:
1. Determine clear sky GHI using Ineichen model and
climatological turbidity.
2. Estimate cloudy sky GHI using a function of
cloud_cover e.g.
3. Estimate cloudy sky DNI using the DISC model.
4. Calculate DHI from DNI and GHI.
cloud_cover : Series
Cloud cover in %.
method : str, default 'linear'
Method for converting cloud cover to GHI.
'linear' is currently the only option.
Passed to the method that does the conversion
irrads : DataFrame
Estimated GHI, DNI, and DHI.
solpos = self.location.get_solarposition(cloud_cover.index)
cs = self.location.get_clearsky(cloud_cover.index, model='ineichen',
method = method.lower()
if method == 'linear':
ghi = self.cloud_cover_to_ghi_linear(cloud_cover, cs['ghi'],
raise ValueError('invalid method argument')
dni = disc(ghi, solpos['zenith'], cloud_cover.index)['dni']
dhi = ghi - dni * np.cos(np.radians(solpos['zenith']))
irrads = pd.DataFrame({'ghi': ghi, 'dni': dni, 'dhi': dhi}).fillna(0)
return irrads
[docs] def cloud_cover_to_transmittance_linear(self, cloud_cover, offset=0.75,
Convert cloud cover (percentage) to atmospheric transmittance
using a linear model.
0% cloud cover returns "offset".
100% cloud cover returns 0.
cloud_cover : numeric
Cloud cover in %.
offset : numeric, default 0.75
Determines the maximum transmittance. [unitless]
Not used.
transmittance : numeric
The fraction of extraterrestrial irradiance that reaches
the ground. [unitless]
transmittance = ((100.0 - cloud_cover) / 100.0) * offset
return transmittance
[docs] def cloud_cover_to_irradiance_campbell_norman(self, cloud_cover, **kwargs):
Estimates irradiance from cloud cover in the following steps:
1. Determine transmittance using a function of cloud cover e.g.
2. Calculate GHI, DNI, DHI using the
:py:func:`pvlib.irradiance.campbell_norman` model
cloud_cover : Series
irradiance : DataFrame
Columns include ghi, dni, dhi
# in principle, get_solarposition could use the forecast
# pressure, temp, etc., but the cloud cover forecast is not
# accurate enough to justify using these minor corrections
solar_position = self.location.get_solarposition(cloud_cover.index)
dni_extra = get_extra_radiation(cloud_cover.index)
transmittance = self.cloud_cover_to_transmittance_linear(cloud_cover,
irrads = campbell_norman(solar_position['apparent_zenith'],
transmittance, dni_extra=dni_extra)
irrads = irrads.fillna(0)
return irrads
[docs] def cloud_cover_to_irradiance(self, cloud_cover, how='clearsky_scaling',
Convert cloud cover to irradiance. A wrapper method.
cloud_cover : Series
how : str, default 'clearsky_scaling'
Selects the method for conversion. Can be one of
clearsky_scaling or campbell_norman. Method liujordan is
Passed to the selected method.
irradiance : DataFrame
Columns include ghi, dni, dhi
how = how.lower()
if how == 'clearsky_scaling':
irrads = self.cloud_cover_to_irradiance_clearsky_scaling(
cloud_cover, **kwargs)
elif how == 'campbell_norman':
irrads = self.cloud_cover_to_irradiance_campbell_norman(
cloud_cover, **kwargs)
raise ValueError('invalid how argument')
return irrads
[docs] def kelvin_to_celsius(self, temperature):
Converts Kelvin to celsius.
temperature: numeric
temperature: numeric
return temperature - 273.15
[docs] def isobaric_to_ambient_temperature(self, data):
Calculates temperature from isobaric temperature.
data: DataFrame
Must contain columns pressure, temperature_iso,
temperature_dew_iso. Input temperature in K.
temperature : Series
Temperature in K
P = data['pressure'] / 100.0 # noqa: N806
Tiso = data['temperature_iso'] # noqa: N806
Td = data['temperature_dew_iso'] - 273.15 # noqa: N806
# saturation water vapor pressure
e = 6.11 * 10**((7.5 * Td) / (Td + 273.3))
# saturation water vapor mixing ratio
w = 0.622 * (e / (P - e))
temperature = Tiso - ((2.501 * 10.**6) / 1005.7) * w
return temperature
[docs] def uv_to_speed(self, data):
Computes wind speed from wind components.
data : DataFrame
Must contain the columns 'wind_speed_u' and 'wind_speed_v'.
wind_speed : Series
wind_speed = np.sqrt(data['wind_speed_u']**2 + data['wind_speed_v']**2)
return wind_speed
[docs] def gust_to_speed(self, data, scaling=1/1.4):
Computes standard wind speed from gust.
Very approximate and location dependent.
data : DataFrame
Must contain the column 'wind_speed_gust'.
wind_speed : Series
wind_speed = data['wind_speed_gust'] * scaling
return wind_speed
[docs]class GFS(ForecastModel):
Subclass of the ForecastModel class representing GFS
forecast model.
Model data corresponds to 0.25 degree resolution forecasts.
resolution: string, default 'half'
Resolution of the model, either 'half' or 'quarter' degree.
set_type: string, default 'best'
Type of model to pull data from.
dataframe_variables: list
Common variables present in the final set of data.
model: string
Name of the UNIDATA forecast model.
model_type: string
UNIDATA category in which the model is located.
variables: dict
Defines the variables to obtain from the weather
model and how they should be renamed to common variable names.
units: dict
Dictionary containing the units of the standard variables
and the model specific variables.
_resolutions = ['Half', 'Quarter']
[docs] def __init__(self, resolution='half', set_type='best'):
model_type = 'Forecast Model Data'
resolution = resolution.title()
if resolution not in self._resolutions:
raise ValueError(f'resolution must in {self._resolutions}')
model = f'GFS {resolution} Degree Forecast'
# isobaric variables will require a vert_level to prevent
# excessive data downloads
self.variables = {
'temp_air': 'Temperature_surface',
'wind_speed_gust': 'Wind_speed_gust_surface',
'wind_speed_u': 'u-component_of_wind_isobaric',
'wind_speed_v': 'v-component_of_wind_isobaric',
'boundary_clouds': ('Total_cloud_cover_boundary_layer_cloud_'
'convect_clouds': 'Total_cloud_cover_convective_cloud',
'ghi_raw': ('Downward_Short-Wave_Radiation_Flux_'
self.output_variables = [
super().__init__(model_type, model, set_type,
[docs] def process_data(self, data, cloud_cover='total_clouds', **kwargs):
Defines the steps needed to convert raw forecast data
into processed forecast data.
data: DataFrame
Raw forecast data
cloud_cover: str, default 'total_clouds'
The type of cloud cover used to infer the irradiance.
data: DataFrame
Processed forecast data.
data = super().process_data(data, **kwargs)
data['temp_air'] = self.kelvin_to_celsius(data['temp_air'])
data['wind_speed'] = self.uv_to_speed(data)
irrads = self.cloud_cover_to_irradiance(data[cloud_cover], **kwargs)
data = data.join(irrads, how='outer')
return data[self.output_variables]
[docs]class HRRR_ESRL(ForecastModel): # noqa: N801
Subclass of the ForecastModel class representing
NOAA/GSD/ESRL's HRRR forecast model.
This is not an operational product.
Model data corresponds to NOAA/GSD/ESRL HRRR CONUS 3km resolution
surface forecasts.
set_type: string, default 'best'
Type of model to pull data from.
dataframe_variables: list
Common variables present in the final set of data.
model: string
Name of the UNIDATA forecast model.
model_type: string
UNIDATA category in which the model is located.
variables: dict
Defines the variables to obtain from the weather
model and how they should be renamed to common variable names.
units: dict
Dictionary containing the units of the standard variables
and the model specific variables.
[docs] def __init__(self, set_type='best'):
warnings.warn('HRRR_ESRL is an experimental model and is not '
'always available.')
model_type = 'Forecast Model Data'
model = 'GSD HRRR CONUS 3km surface'
self.variables = {
'temp_air': 'Temperature_surface',
'wind_speed_gust': 'Wind_speed_gust_surface',
# 'temp_air': 'Temperature_height_above_ground', # GH 702
# 'wind_speed_u': 'u-component_of_wind_height_above_ground',
# 'wind_speed_v': 'v-component_of_wind_height_above_ground',
'total_clouds': 'Total_cloud_cover_entire_atmosphere',
'low_clouds': 'Low_cloud_cover_UnknownLevelType-214',
'mid_clouds': 'Medium_cloud_cover_UnknownLevelType-224',
'high_clouds': 'High_cloud_cover_UnknownLevelType-234',
'ghi_raw': 'Downward_short-wave_radiation_flux_surface', }
self.output_variables = [
super().__init__(model_type, model, set_type)
[docs] def process_data(self, data, cloud_cover='total_clouds', **kwargs):
Defines the steps needed to convert raw forecast data
into processed forecast data.
data: DataFrame
Raw forecast data
cloud_cover: str, default 'total_clouds'
The type of cloud cover used to infer the irradiance.
data: DataFrame
Processed forecast data.
data = super().process_data(data, **kwargs)
data['temp_air'] = self.kelvin_to_celsius(data['temp_air'])
data['wind_speed'] = self.gust_to_speed(data)
# data['wind_speed'] = self.uv_to_speed(data) # GH 702
irrads = self.cloud_cover_to_irradiance(data[cloud_cover], **kwargs)
data = data.join(irrads, how='outer')
return data[self.output_variables]
[docs]class NAM(ForecastModel):
Subclass of the ForecastModel class representing NAM
forecast model.
Model data corresponds to NAM CONUS 12km resolution forecasts
set_type: string, default 'best'
Type of model to pull data from.
dataframe_variables: list
Common variables present in the final set of data.
model: string
Name of the UNIDATA forecast model.
model_type: string
UNIDATA category in which the model is located.
variables: dict
Defines the variables to obtain from the weather
model and how they should be renamed to common variable names.
units: dict
Dictionary containing the units of the standard variables
and the model specific variables.
[docs] def __init__(self, set_type='best'):
model_type = 'Forecast Model Data'
model = 'NAM CONUS 12km from CONDUIT'
self.variables = {
'temp_air': 'Temperature_surface',
'wind_speed_gust': 'Wind_speed_gust_surface',
'total_clouds': 'Total_cloud_cover_entire_atmosphere_single_layer',
'low_clouds': 'Low_cloud_cover_low_cloud',
'mid_clouds': 'Medium_cloud_cover_middle_cloud',
'high_clouds': 'High_cloud_cover_high_cloud',
'ghi_raw': 'Downward_Short-Wave_Radiation_Flux_surface', }
self.output_variables = [
super().__init__(model_type, model, set_type)
[docs] def process_data(self, data, cloud_cover='total_clouds', **kwargs):
Defines the steps needed to convert raw forecast data
into processed forecast data.
data: DataFrame
Raw forecast data
cloud_cover: str, default 'total_clouds'
The type of cloud cover used to infer the irradiance.
data: DataFrame
Processed forecast data.
data = super().process_data(data, **kwargs)
data['temp_air'] = self.kelvin_to_celsius(data['temp_air'])
data['wind_speed'] = self.gust_to_speed(data)
irrads = self.cloud_cover_to_irradiance(data[cloud_cover], **kwargs)
data = data.join(irrads, how='outer')
return data[self.output_variables]
[docs]class HRRR(ForecastModel):
Subclass of the ForecastModel class representing HRRR
forecast model.
Model data corresponds to NCEP HRRR CONUS 2.5km resolution
set_type: string, default 'best'
Type of model to pull data from.
dataframe_variables: list
Common variables present in the final set of data.
model: string
Name of the UNIDATA forecast model.
model_type: string
UNIDATA category in which the model is located.
variables: dict
Defines the variables to obtain from the weather
model and how they should be renamed to common variable names.
units: dict
Dictionary containing the units of the standard variables
and the model specific variables.
[docs] def __init__(self, set_type='best'):
model_type = 'Forecast Model Data'
model = 'HRRR CONUS 2.5km Forecasts'
self.variables = {
'temp_air': 'Temperature_height_above_ground',
'pressure': 'Pressure_surface',
'wind_speed_gust': 'Wind_speed_gust_surface',
'wind_speed_u': 'u-component_of_wind_height_above_ground',
'wind_speed_v': 'v-component_of_wind_height_above_ground',
'total_clouds': 'Total_cloud_cover_entire_atmosphere',
'low_clouds': 'Low_cloud_cover_low_cloud',
'mid_clouds': 'Medium_cloud_cover_middle_cloud',
'high_clouds': 'High_cloud_cover_high_cloud'}
self.output_variables = [
'high_clouds', ]
super().__init__(model_type, model, set_type)
[docs] def process_data(self, data, cloud_cover='total_clouds', **kwargs):
Defines the steps needed to convert raw forecast data
into processed forecast data.
data: DataFrame
Raw forecast data
cloud_cover: str, default 'total_clouds'
The type of cloud cover used to infer the irradiance.
data: DataFrame
Processed forecast data.
data = super().process_data(data, **kwargs)
wind_mapping = {
'wind_speed_u': 'u-component_of_wind_height_above_ground_0',
'wind_speed_v': 'v-component_of_wind_height_above_ground_0',
data = self.rename(data, variables=wind_mapping)
data['temp_air'] = self.kelvin_to_celsius(data['temp_air'])
data['wind_speed'] = self.uv_to_speed(data)
irrads = self.cloud_cover_to_irradiance(data[cloud_cover], **kwargs)
data = data.join(irrads, how='outer')
data = data.iloc[:-1, :] # issue with last point
return data[self.output_variables]
[docs]class NDFD(ForecastModel):
Subclass of the ForecastModel class representing NDFD forecast
Model data corresponds to NWS CONUS CONDUIT forecasts.
set_type: string, default 'best'
Type of model to pull data from.
dataframe_variables: list
Common variables present in the final set of data.
model: string
Name of the UNIDATA forecast model.
model_type: string
UNIDATA category in which the model is located.
variables: dict
Defines the variables to obtain from the weather
model and how they should be renamed to common variable names.
units: dict
Dictionary containing the units of the standard variables
and the model specific variables.
[docs] def __init__(self, set_type='best'):
model_type = 'Forecast Products and Analyses'
model = 'National Weather Service CONUS Forecast Grids (CONDUIT)'
self.variables = {
'temp_air': 'Temperature_height_above_ground',
'wind_speed': 'Wind_speed_height_above_ground',
'total_clouds': 'Total_cloud_cover_surface', }
self.output_variables = [
'total_clouds', ]
super().__init__(model_type, model, set_type)
[docs] def process_data(self, data, **kwargs):
Defines the steps needed to convert raw forecast data
into processed forecast data.
data: DataFrame
Raw forecast data
data: DataFrame
Processed forecast data.
cloud_cover = 'total_clouds'
data = super().process_data(data, **kwargs)
data['temp_air'] = self.kelvin_to_celsius(data['temp_air'])
irrads = self.cloud_cover_to_irradiance(data[cloud_cover], **kwargs)
data = data.join(irrads, how='outer')
return data[self.output_variables]
[docs]class RAP(ForecastModel):
Subclass of the ForecastModel class representing RAP forecast model.
Model data corresponds to Rapid Refresh CONUS 20km resolution
resolution: string or int, default '20'
The model resolution, either '20' or '40' (km)
set_type: string, default 'best'
Type of model to pull data from.
dataframe_variables: list
Common variables present in the final set of data.
model: string
Name of the UNIDATA forecast model.
model_type: string
UNIDATA category in which the model is located.
variables: dict
Defines the variables to obtain from the weather
model and how they should be renamed to common variable names.
units: dict
Dictionary containing the units of the standard variables
and the model specific variables.
_resolutions = ['20', '40']
[docs] def __init__(self, resolution='20', set_type='best'):
resolution = str(resolution)
if resolution not in self._resolutions:
raise ValueError(f'resolution must in {self._resolutions}')
model_type = 'Forecast Model Data'
model = f'Rapid Refresh CONUS {resolution}km'
self.variables = {
'temp_air': 'Temperature_surface',
'wind_speed_gust': 'Wind_speed_gust_surface',
'total_clouds': 'Total_cloud_cover_entire_atmosphere',
'low_clouds': 'Low_cloud_cover_low_cloud',
'mid_clouds': 'Medium_cloud_cover_middle_cloud',
'high_clouds': 'High_cloud_cover_high_cloud', }
self.output_variables = [
'high_clouds', ]
super().__init__(model_type, model, set_type)
[docs] def process_data(self, data, cloud_cover='total_clouds', **kwargs):
Defines the steps needed to convert raw forecast data
into processed forecast data.
data: DataFrame
Raw forecast data
cloud_cover: str, default 'total_clouds'
The type of cloud cover used to infer the irradiance.
data: DataFrame
Processed forecast data.
data = super().process_data(data, **kwargs)
data['temp_air'] = self.kelvin_to_celsius(data['temp_air'])
data['wind_speed'] = self.gust_to_speed(data)
irrads = self.cloud_cover_to_irradiance(data[cloud_cover], **kwargs)
data = data.join(irrads, how='outer')
return data[self.output_variables]