Source code for pvlib.ivtools.utils

The ```` module contains utility functions related to
working with IV curves, or fitting equations to IV curve data.


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# A small number used to decide when a slope is equivalent to zero
EPS_slope = np.finfo('float').eps**(1/3)
# A small number used to decide when a slope is equivalent to zero
EPS_val = np.finfo('float').eps

def _numdiff(x, f):
    Compute first and second order derivative using possibly unequally
    spaced data.

    x : numeric
        a numpy array of values of x
    f : numeric
        a numpy array of values of the function f for which derivatives are to
        be computed. Must be the same length as x.

    df : numeric
        a numpy array of len(x) containing the first derivative of f at each
        point x except at the first 2 and last 2 points
    df2 : numeric
        a numpy array of len(x) containing the second derivative of f at each
        point x except at the first 2 and last 2 points.

    ``numdiff`` computes first and second order derivatives using a 5th order
    formula that accounts for possibly unequally spaced data [1]_. Because a
    5th order centered difference formula is used, ``numdiff`` returns NaNs
    for the first 2 and last 2 points in the input vector for x. Ported from
    PVLib Matlab [2]_.

    .. [1] M. K. Bowen, R. Smith, "Derivative formulae and errors for
       non-uniformly spaced points", Proceedings of the Royal Society A, vol.
       461 pp 1975 - 1997, July 2005. DOI: 10.1098/rpsa.2004.1430
    .. [2] PVLib MATLAB

    n = len(f)

    df = np.zeros(n)
    df2 = np.zeros(n)

    # first two points are special
    df[:2] = float("Nan")
    df2[:2] = float("Nan")

    # Last two points are special
    df[-2:] = float("Nan")
    df2[-2:] = float("Nan")

    # Rest of points. Take reference point to be the middle of each group of 5
    # points. Calculate displacements
    ff = np.vstack((f[:-4], f[1:-3], f[2:-2], f[3:-1], f[4:])).T

    a0 = (np.vstack((x[:-4], x[1:-3], x[2:-2], x[3:-1], x[4:])).T
          - np.tile(x[2:-2], [5, 1]).T)

    u1 = np.zeros(a0.shape)
    left = np.zeros(a0.shape)
    u2 = np.zeros(a0.shape)

    u1[:, 0] = (
        a0[:, 1] * a0[:, 2] * a0[:, 3] + a0[:, 1] * a0[:, 2] * a0[:, 4]
        + a0[:, 1] * a0[:, 3] * a0[:, 4] + a0[:, 2] * a0[:, 3] * a0[:, 4])
    u1[:, 1] = (
        a0[:, 0] * a0[:, 2] * a0[:, 3] + a0[:, 0] * a0[:, 2] * a0[:, 4]
        + a0[:, 0] * a0[:, 3] * a0[:, 4] + a0[:, 2] * a0[:, 3] * a0[:, 4])
    u1[:, 2] = (
        a0[:, 0] * a0[:, 1] * a0[:, 3] + a0[:, 0] * a0[:, 1] * a0[:, 4]
        + a0[:, 0] * a0[:, 3] * a0[:, 4] + a0[:, 1] * a0[:, 3] * a0[:, 4])
    u1[:, 3] = (
        a0[:, 0] * a0[:, 1] * a0[:, 2] + a0[:, 0] * a0[:, 1] * a0[:, 4]
        + a0[:, 0] * a0[:, 2] * a0[:, 4] + a0[:, 1] * a0[:, 2] * a0[:, 4])
    u1[:, 4] = (
        a0[:, 0] * a0[:, 1] * a0[:, 2] + a0[:, 0] * a0[:, 1] * a0[:, 3]
        + a0[:, 0] * a0[:, 2] * a0[:, 3] + a0[:, 1] * a0[:, 2] * a0[:, 3])

    left[:, 0] = (a0[:, 0] - a0[:, 1]) * (a0[:, 0] - a0[:, 2]) * \
        (a0[:, 0] - a0[:, 3]) * (a0[:, 0] - a0[:, 4])
    left[:, 1] = (a0[:, 1] - a0[:, 0]) * (a0[:, 1] - a0[:, 2]) * \
        (a0[:, 1] - a0[:, 3]) * (a0[:, 1] - a0[:, 4])
    left[:, 2] = (a0[:, 2] - a0[:, 0]) * (a0[:, 2] - a0[:, 1]) * \
        (a0[:, 2] - a0[:, 3]) * (a0[:, 2] - a0[:, 4])
    left[:, 3] = (a0[:, 3] - a0[:, 0]) * (a0[:, 3] - a0[:, 1]) * \
        (a0[:, 3] - a0[:, 2]) * (a0[:, 3] - a0[:, 4])
    left[:, 4] = (a0[:, 4] - a0[:, 0]) * (a0[:, 4] - a0[:, 1]) * \
        (a0[:, 4] - a0[:, 2]) * (a0[:, 4] - a0[:, 3])

    df[2:-2] = np.sum(-(u1 / left) * ff, axis=1)

    # second derivative
    u2[:, 0] = (
        a0[:, 1] * a0[:, 2] + a0[:, 1] * a0[:, 3] + a0[:, 1] * a0[:, 4]
        + a0[:, 2] * a0[:, 3] + a0[:, 2] * a0[:, 4] + a0[:, 3] * a0[:, 4])
    u2[:, 1] = (
        a0[:, 0] * a0[:, 2] + a0[:, 0] * a0[:, 3] + a0[:, 0] * a0[:, 4]
        + a0[:, 2] * a0[:, 3] + a0[:, 2] * a0[:, 4] + a0[:, 3] * a0[:, 4])
    u2[:, 2] = (
        a0[:, 0] * a0[:, 1] + a0[:, 0] * a0[:, 3] + a0[:, 0] * a0[:, 4]
        + a0[:, 1] * a0[:, 3] + a0[:, 1] * a0[:, 3] + a0[:, 3] * a0[:, 4])
    u2[:, 3] = (
        a0[:, 0] * a0[:, 1] + a0[:, 0] * a0[:, 2] + a0[:, 0] * a0[:, 4]
        + a0[:, 1] * a0[:, 2] + a0[:, 1] * a0[:, 4] + a0[:, 2] * a0[:, 4])
    u2[:, 4] = (
        a0[:, 0] * a0[:, 1] + a0[:, 0] * a0[:, 2] + a0[:, 0] * a0[:, 3]
        + a0[:, 1] * a0[:, 2] + a0[:, 1] * a0[:, 4] + a0[:, 2] * a0[:, 3])

    df2[2:-2] = 2. * np.sum(u2 * ff, axis=1)
    return df, df2

[docs]def rectify_iv_curve(voltage, current, decimals=None): """ Sort the IV curve data, remove NaNs and negative values, and combine points with duplicate voltage. Parameters ---------- voltage : numeric [V] current : numeric [A] decimals : int or None, default None number of decimal places to which voltage is rounded to remove duplicated points. If None, no rounding is done. Returns ------- voltage : numeric [V] current : numeric [A] Notes ----- ``rectify_iv_curve`` ensures that the IV curve lies in the first quadrant of the (voltage, current) plane. The returned IV curve: * increases in voltage * contains no negative current or voltage values * contains no NaNs * contains no points with duplicate voltage values. Where voltage values are repeated, a single data point is substituted with current equal to the average of current at duplicated voltages. """ df = pd.DataFrame(data=np.vstack((voltage, current)).T, columns=['v', 'i']) # restrict to first quadrant df.dropna(inplace=True) df = df[(df['v'] >= 0) & (df['i'] >= 0)] # sort pairs on voltage, then current df = df.sort_values(by=['v', 'i'], ascending=[True, False]) # eliminate duplicate voltage points if decimals is not None: df['v'] = np.round(df['v'], decimals=decimals) _, inv = np.unique(df['v'], return_inverse=True) df.index = inv # average current at each common voltage df = df.groupby(by=inv).mean() tmp = np.array(df).T return tmp[0, ], tmp[1, ]
def _schumaker_qspline(x, y): """ Fit a quadratic spline which preserves monotonicity and convexity in the data. Parameters ---------- x : numeric independent points between which the spline will interpolate. y : numeric dependent points between which the spline will interpolate. Returns ------- t : array an ordered vector of knots, i.e., X values where the spline changes coefficients. All values in x are used as knots. The algorithm may insert additional knots between data points in x where changes in convexity are indicated by the (numerical) derivative. Consequently len(t) >= len(x). c : array a Nx3 matrix of coefficients where the kth row defines the quadratic interpolant between t_k and t_(k+1), i.e., y = c[i, 0] * (x - t_k)^2 + c[i, 1] * (x - t_k) + c[i, 2] yhat : array y values corresponding to the knots in t. Contains the original data points, y, and also y values estimated from the spline at the inserted knots. kflag : array a vector of len(t) of logicals, which are set to true for elements of t that are knots inserted by the algorithm. Notes ----- Algorithm is taken from [1]_, which relies on prior work described in [2]_. Ported from PVLib Matlab [3]_. References ---------- .. [1] L. L. Schumaker, "On Shape Preserving Quadratic Spline Interpolation", SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 20(4), August 1983, pp 854 - 864 .. [2] M. H. Lam, "Monotone and Convex Quadratic Spline Interpolation", Virginia Journal of Science 41(1), Spring 1990 .. [3] PVLib MATLAB """ # Make sure vectors are 1D arrays x = x.flatten() y = y.flatten() n = x.size # compute various values used by the algorithm: differences, length of line # segments between data points, and ratios of differences. delx = np.diff(x) # delx[i] = x[i + 1] - x[i] dely = np.diff(y) delta = dely / delx # Calculate first derivative at each x value per [3] s = np.zeros_like(x) left = np.append(0.0, delta) right = np.append(delta, 0.0) pdelta = left * right u = pdelta > 0 # [3], Eq. 9 for interior points # fix tuning parameters in [2], Eq 9 at chi = .5 and eta = .5 s[u] = pdelta[u] / (0.5*left[u] + 0.5*right[u]) # [3], Eq. 7 for left endpoint left_end = 2.0 * delta[0] - s[1] if delta[0] * left_end > 0: s[0] = left_end # [3], Eq. 8 for right endpoint right_end = 2.0 * delta[-1] - s[-2] if delta[-1] * right_end > 0: s[-1] = right_end # determine knots. Start with initial points x # [2], Algorithm 4.1 first 'if' condition of step 5 defines intervals # which won't get internal knots tests = s[:-1] + s[1:] u = np.isclose(tests, 2.0 * delta, atol=EPS_slope) # u = true for an interval which will not get an internal knot k = n + sum(~u) # total number of knots = original data + inserted knots # set up output arrays # knot locations, first n - 1 and very last (n + k) are original data xk = np.zeros(k) yk = np.zeros(k) # function values at knot locations # logicals that will indicate where additional knots are inserted flag = np.zeros(k, dtype=bool) a = np.zeros((k, 3)) # structures needed to compute coefficients, have to be maintained in # association with each knot tmpx = x[:-1] tmpy = y[:-1] tmpx2 = x[1:] tmps = s[:-1] tmps2 = s[1:] diffs = np.diff(s) # structure to contain information associated with each knot, used to # calculate coefficients uu = np.zeros((k, 6)) uu[:(n - 1), :] = np.array([tmpx, tmpx2, tmpy, tmps, tmps2, delta]).T # [2], Algorithm 4.1 subpart 1 of Step 5 # original x values that are left points of intervals without internal # knots # MATLAB differs from NumPy, boolean indices must be same size as # array xk[:(n - 1)][u] = tmpx[u] yk[:(n - 1)][u] = tmpy[u] # constant term for each polynomial for intervals without knots a[:(n - 1), 2][u] = tmpy[u] a[:(n - 1), 1][u] = s[:-1][u] a[:(n - 1), 0][u] = 0.5 * diffs[u] / delx[u] # leading coefficients # [2], Algorithm 4.1 subpart 2 of Step 5 # original x values that are left points of intervals with internal knots xk[:(n-1)][~u] = tmpx[~u] yk[:(n-1)][~u] = tmpy[~u] aa = s[:-1] - delta b = s[1:] - delta # Since the above two lines can lead to numerical errors, aa and b # are rounded to 0.0 is their absolute value is small enough. aa[np.isclose(aa, 0., atol=EPS_val)] = 0. b[np.isclose(b, 0., atol=EPS_val)] = 0. sbar = np.zeros(k) eta = np.zeros(k) # will contain mapping from the left points of intervals containing an # added knot to each inverval's internal knot value xi = np.zeros(k) t0 = aa * b >= 0 # first 'else' in Algorithm 4.1 Step 5 v = np.logical_and(~u, t0) # len(u) == (n - 1) always q = np.sum(v) # number of this type of knot to add if q > 0.: xk[(n - 1):(n + q - 1)] = .5 * (tmpx[v] + tmpx2[v]) # knot location uu[(n - 1):(n + q - 1), :] = np.array([tmpx[v], tmpx2[v], tmpy[v], tmps[v], tmps2[v], delta[v]]).T xi[:(n-1)][v] = xk[(n - 1):(n + q - 1)] t1 = np.abs(aa) > np.abs(b) w = np.logical_and(~u, ~v) # second 'else' in Algorithm 4.1 Step 5 w = np.logical_and(w, t1) r = np.sum(w) if r > 0.: xk[(n + q - 1):(n + q + r - 1)] = tmpx2[w] + aa[w] * delx[w] / diffs[w] uu[(n + q - 1):(n + q + r - 1), :] = np.array([tmpx[w], tmpx2[w], tmpy[w], tmps[w], tmps2[w], delta[w]]).T xi[:(n - 1)][w] = xk[(n + q - 1):(n + q + r - 1)] z = np.logical_and(~u, ~v) # last 'else' in Algorithm 4.1 Step 5 z = np.logical_and(z, ~w) ss = np.sum(z) if ss > 0.: xk[(n + q + r - 1):(n + q + r + ss - 1)] = \ tmpx[z] + b[z] * delx[z] / diffs[z] uu[(n + q + r - 1):(n + q + r + ss - 1), :] = \ np.array([tmpx[z], tmpx2[z], tmpy[z], tmps[z], tmps2[z], delta[z]]).T xi[:(n-1)][z] = xk[(n + q + r - 1):(n + q + r + ss - 1)] # define polynomial coefficients for intervals with added knots ff = ~u sbar[:(n-1)][ff] = ( (2 * uu[:(n - 1), 5][ff] - uu[:(n-1), 4][ff]) + (uu[:(n - 1), 4][ff] - uu[:(n-1), 3][ff]) * (xi[:(n - 1)][ff] - uu[:(n-1), 0][ff]) / (uu[:(n - 1), 1][ff] - uu[:(n-1), 0][ff])) eta[:(n-1)][ff] = ( (sbar[:(n - 1)][ff] - uu[:(n-1), 3][ff]) / (xi[:(n - 1)][ff] - uu[:(n-1), 0][ff])) sbar[(n - 1):(n + q + r + ss - 1)] = \ (2 * uu[(n - 1):(n + q + r + ss - 1), 5] - uu[(n - 1):(n + q + r + ss - 1), 4]) + \ (uu[(n - 1):(n + q + r + ss - 1), 4] - uu[(n - 1):(n + q + r + ss - 1), 3]) * \ (xk[(n - 1):(n + q + r + ss - 1)] - uu[(n - 1):(n + q + r + ss - 1), 0]) / \ (uu[(n - 1):(n + q + r + ss - 1), 1] - uu[(n - 1):(n + q + r + ss - 1), 0]) eta[(n - 1):(n + q + r + ss - 1)] = \ (sbar[(n - 1):(n + q + r + ss - 1)] - uu[(n - 1):(n + q + r + ss - 1), 3]) / \ (xk[(n - 1):(n + q + r + ss - 1)] - uu[(n - 1):(n + q + r + ss - 1), 0]) # constant term for polynomial for intervals with internal knots a[:(n - 1), 2][~u] = uu[:(n - 1), 2][~u] a[:(n - 1), 1][~u] = uu[:(n - 1), 3][~u] a[:(n - 1), 0][~u] = 0.5 * eta[:(n - 1)][~u] # leading coefficient a[(n - 1):(n + q + r + ss - 1), 2] = \ uu[(n - 1):(n + q + r + ss - 1), 2] + \ uu[(n - 1):(n + q + r + ss - 1), 3] * \ (xk[(n - 1):(n + q + r + ss - 1)] - uu[(n - 1):(n + q + r + ss - 1), 0]) + \ .5 * eta[(n - 1):(n + q + r + ss - 1)] * \ (xk[(n - 1):(n + q + r + ss - 1)] - uu[(n - 1):(n + q + r + ss - 1), 0]) ** 2. a[(n - 1):(n + q + r + ss - 1), 1] = sbar[(n - 1):(n + q + r + ss - 1)] a[(n - 1):(n + q + r + ss - 1), 0] = \ .5 * (uu[(n - 1):(n + q + r + ss - 1), 4] - sbar[(n - 1):(n + q + r + ss - 1)]) / \ (uu[(n - 1):(n + q + r + ss - 1), 1] - uu[(n - 1):(n + q + r + ss - 1), 0]) yk[(n - 1):(n + q + r + ss - 1)] = a[(n - 1):(n + q + r + ss - 1), 2] xk[n + q + r + ss - 1] = x[n - 1] yk[n + q + r + ss - 1] = y[n - 1] flag[(n - 1):(n + q + r + ss - 1)] = True # these are all inserted knots tmp = np.vstack((xk, a.T, yk, flag)).T # sort output in terms of increasing x (original plus added knots) tmp2 = tmp[tmp[:, 0].argsort(kind='mergesort')] t = tmp2[:, 0] outn = len(t) c = tmp2[0:(outn - 1), 1:4] yhat = tmp2[:, 4] kflag = tmp2[:, 5] return t, c, yhat, kflag